Trivia: SPOILER: At the end on Nick Fury's gravestone, under his name is the passage from Ezekiel 25:17: "The path of the righteous man is beset..." This was the start of a big monologue made famous by Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction. (01:59:25)
Trivia: When Joshua calls the KSI technician to ask what the blast range of the Seed is, the technician's ringtone is the Transformers theme song.
Trivia: During Lucy's final transformation sequence, her consciousness starts traveling through time by millions of years. At one point, Lucy pauses in time to observe and interact with an ape-like creature, reaching out to touch its fingertip. Although not expressly stated or explained in the film, this ape-like creature was what scientists today classify as Australopithecus afarensis, the earliest identifiable ancestor of humankind. The first fossils of Australopithecus afarensis were determined to be from a female who was christened "Lucy" by scientists.
Trivia: The photos of Dreyfus' children are of Gary Oldman's children in real life.
Trivia: Katie Holmes plays Brenton Thwaites' mother in the film, even though in real life she's only 10 years his senior.
Trivia: Funded mainly through the use of online crowd-funding.
Trivia: In Ben's taxi there's a rubber shark snout with teeth hanging from the rearview mirror. Ben is also the name of the fisherman in Jaws, whose decapitated head pops out underwater. Taxi driver Ben is even dressed similarly to the fisherman character in Jaws. In this movie taxi driver Ben is played by Judd Hirsch, who starred on the 70s-80s TV show Taxi, along with Christopher Lloyd and Danny DeVito.