Ethan Renner: Don't take this the wrong way, Viv, but you're not my type.
Vivi Delay: I'm everybody's type.

Robert McCall: Got to be who you are in this world, no matter what.

Alex Murphy: Dead or alive, you're coming with me!

Lou Bloom: My motto is if you want to win the lottery you've got to make money to get a ticket.

Jenko: I'm your best nightm... I'm your worst nightmare.

Tobey Marshall: I do not fear, for you are with me. All those who defied me, shall be ashamed and disgraced. Those who wage war against me, shall perish. I will find strength, find guidance, and I will triumph.

Tremaine Alexander: Where I come from, cash rule everything around me. You heard that one, right?

Sarchie: You see, Father, as we speak every day, out there, someone's getting hurt, ripped off, murdered, raped. Where's God when all that's happening? Hmm?
Mendoza: In the hearts of people like you, who put a stop to it. I mean, we can talk all night about the problem of evil, but what about the problem of good? I mean, if there's no God, if the world is just "survival of the fittest," then why are all the men in this room willing to lay down their lives for total strangers? Hmm?

Roberta: I've said goodbye before to people I love.
Jim Bennett: Yeah, whatever did happen to Dad?

Julian: I feel... Vulnerable.
Abel Morales: Good... Because you are vulnerable. We all are.

Matt Scudder: I do favors for people, and in return, they give me gifts. So, what can I do for you?