Tobey Marshall: I do not fear, for you are with me. All those who defied me, shall be ashamed and disgraced. Those who wage war against me, shall perish. I will find strength, find guidance, and I will triumph.
Julia Maddon: Oh my god! Oh my god.
Tobey Marshall: Hey, hey. Look at me. Just breathe, breathe. Good. Look into my eyes. Look into my eyes. Good. What color are they?
Julia Maddon: They're really blue.
Tobey Marshall: They're really blue, good, good. They're a lot bluer than yours.
Julia Maddon: No.
Tobey Marshall: Yes they are.
Julia Maddon: They're not.
Tobey Marshall: Yes.
Julia Maddon: They're not bluer.
Tobey Marshall: Admit it.
Julia Maddon: Mine are bluer.
Julia Maddon: Life can be full of surprises.
Little Pete: I find life to be full of people who think they're smart 'cause they have a fancy accent. No offense.
Julia Maddon: Some taken.
Benny: Alright beauty, this is gonna sound insane, but I need a 2 lane grasshopper in order to get these guys off your back.
Tobey Marshall: Roger.
Julia Maddon: What's a grasshopper?
Tobey Marshall: You may wanna close your eyes for this.
Julia Maddon: Is it worse than bus, bus, bus?
Tobey Marshall: They took everything from me.
Answer: I agree with Ssiscool though I am not a cop either. This method is way too drastic and risky, I doubt that any police would use such uncontrollable and destructive force to simply stop a suspect while they could just install spike strips or - as suggested by the aforementioned - place a proper road block, giving a chance to the offenders to stop in time and surrender.