Alice Taylor: You don't love me. You just want to control me.

Chrystal: What's the point in giving love if nobody gives it back?
Grumpy Cat: That's how we feel. Contrary to that sign on the door, we're not pets. I mean until somebody takes us home and loves us, we're just animals.

Todd White: Hey self, what is it, twenty five years in the future and I just know you are playing in the NBA now and are super rich. And you also have a super smoking hot cheerleader girlfriend, so what are you hanging around here for? Why don't you head up to your penthouse and bang her good, bro.
Trey: That's your time capsule message, Todd?
Todd White: Huh... why not?

Caeryn: We must hurry! This country is unsafe at night.
Dagen: At night? I can hardly imagine anything worse than this country during the day.

Alice: To be no good at something bad is good.