Question: Who is the vendor or manufacturer of that pull-up bar stand that Tony Stark is using near the beginning of the movie? And where could I get one?

Question: How did a starfish get on Gru's head while Lucy and Gru were underwater in the car?
Chosen answer: The car is always shown in shots from the front so we can't see if the boot had a leak.
If the boot had a leak large enough to admit the starfish it would have filled with water and Gru would have drowned.

Question: On the plane, as Gerry is wrapping her stump and right after he admits he hadn't known cutting her hand off would work, Segen says something quietly, then adds "Now I'm just a liability." What does she say right before "Now I'm just a liability"? I can't hear what she says (it might not be English) and it's not in the closed captioning or in any transcript I've been able to find online.
Answer: Segen says in Hebrew, "עכשיו אני סתם עול" (phonetically pronounced, "achshav ani stam ohl"), which means "Now I'm just a burden." Then Segen says in English, "Now I'm just a liability."

Question: In the altered timeline, Flash initially could not travel through time because there was another speedster. How was he able to travel through time in the original timeline, when Zoom was alive there as well?
Answer: Flash couldn't travel through time later in the movie not because Zoom was alive but because Zoom was also tapping into the Speed Force, preventing Flash from gathering enough of the Speed Force to break the Time Barrier. When Flash originally went back in time it's likely because Zoom was in custody, therefore not tapping into the Speed Force at that time.
Answer: Batman kills Zoom so the Flash could use the speed force.

Question: What motivated Bob Taylor (an earlier abductee of the same perpetrators) to implicate himself in the current abductions by stealing the girls' clothing items and taking them to his home?

Question: Mike and Sulley are able to activate the door when stuck at the kids camp by harnessing enough screams to activate it. If laughter is 10 times more powerful than screams, then why wouldn't child laughter (especially if there is a Birthday party, etc.) not activate doors from the "human world" allowing kids to go into the factory (monster world) all the time?
Answer: Well a door first needs to be activated from the monster side. See the doors of the human world lack the receiver for the energy they need to open the doorway between worlds (the red light on top). That's why in the monster world they hook a door up to a machine to activate it allowing the passage between worlds before any scream or laugh is made. It costs power to activate a door to allow a monster in. Boo was able to activate doors because she was in the monster world and her screams and laughs triggered the devices on top of the doors, activating them automatically. This was the first time ever a human entered the monster world.

Question: If Grug is so scared of things in the outside world and considers anything new to be dangerous, then why does he keep Guy with him instead of getting rid of him?

Question: When they look at the map showing the route to the time machine, is the line a different color than the line they actually follow to get to the time machine? (My 11 yr old son thinks it was blue and then they followed the red line).
Answer: There are two lines on the map. The red line leads to the time machine and the blue line leads to freedom. Reggie refused to go on an adventure and just wanted to spend his freedom eating pizza and watching TV, so when looking for the way out, he told Jake that the blue line was the way to the time machine in hopes of escaping. Unfortunately, because they were chased by government agents, they ended up following the red line and finding the time machine.

Question: What did Lorraine Warren see during the footage where they participated in an exorcism of a farmer? She stared into his eyes and screamed, then they mentioned that she locked herself in her room for several days, and that it affected her badly. Has that ever been explained?
Answer: It is explained in The Conjuring 2 that Lorraine has a premonition of Ed being impaled.
Answer: Ed's death.

Question: In the scene where Gatsby is telling Nick his origin story, Nick narrates that Cody (a man he saved and sailed the ocean with) died and he was cheated out of his inheritance by Cody's family and he was once again dirt poor. After this part has been narrated, a clip of spinning newspapers is shown of what happens to Gatsby after this. As this happens, if you listen in the background, you'll notice that there is a song beginning to play. What is this song that is playing? (01:09:40)
Chosen answer: The song is "Back to Black" by Beyoncé (Feat. Andre 3000).

Question: Loki (as Odin) quotes a conversation that occurred between Thor and Odin. This conversation happened after Loki let go of the handle Thor offered to keep him from falling off the bi-frost. How does Loki know what Odin tells Thor when he's supposedly headed to Midgard (Earth) as they speak? Can Loki read minds? If so, I don't recall any movies he comes out in mentioning mind reading.
Answer: Loki has been shown to exhibit numerous powers in the movies that can explain how he knew about this conversation. In all the movies, he has been shown to appear in hologram-like forms in different locations. For example, in The Avengers, he uses this power to meet up with The Other who is in the middle of space, whilst he is on Earth. In the end credits scene for Thor, he was able to watch over Selvig and Nick Fury's conversation despite not being there. In Thor: Ragnarok, he was able to see into Valkyrie's past through touching her head (though this power was not established until Thor: Ragnarok). Any of these powers could have been used to find out about this conversation between Thor and Odin.

Question: Whenever Tim goes back in time, his clothes change to whatever he was wearing at the time, but he always appears in the same spot that he left from. Both times he goes back to the NYE party he appears in the upstairs wardrobe. So what happened to the version of him that was already walking around at the party? Did that version of him just vanish?
Answer: This is one of the (many) time travel plot holes in the film, and unfortunately your question doesn't really have a definitive, or satisfying, answer. Richard Curtis has said he was less concerned with making an airtight time travel film than with the human story at its core, so he let things like this slide without explanation. However, since we don't see any "second" Tims around when he goes back in time, and no-one else seems to think of him as an "extra" Tim, we can safely assume that, yes, he replaces himself in the timeline when he travels back. (Of course, this doesn't explain what happens when he then returns FROM the past).

Question: After they break down, and are being towed, who is driving the back RV?
Answer: Don.
No, he was driving Fitzgerald's RV.

Question: How is it possible that picture 25 was in Walter's wallet the whole time, when the picture is of him later in the movie after he had received the wallet?
Answer: The picture was not taken afterwards - that spot is just a favorite Mitty likes to use to review pictures. That is why Sean O'Connell was quizzing Mitty's mum about his life/work habits, so he could take a picture of his friend for the last issue.
Answer: An independent guy from the UK called Ian. He's made over 3000 of his product and creation "hot gym".