Other mistake: Near the beginning, Max rises and prepares to leave for work, the only scene in which we see his bare torso. As he moves toward the camera through some rather odd under-lighting, it is obvious that his six-pack abs are airbrushed.
Other mistake: In the regional qualifier, there are five planes with better times than Dusty. Fonzerelli is disqualified. So... How come the other four that qualified don't show up in the big race?
Other mistake: When the husband breaks into the old lady's house and checks her voicemail, it says that Katie left a voicemail Monday at 11:47am. When the husband calls the restaurant, the recording says they are open from Tuesday to Sunday. So Katie shouldn't have been at work.
Other mistake: After Lenny falls off the exercising machine two ladies walk behind him twice.
Other mistake: When Dylan is transported from the stage to "the vault", Alma, Thaddeus and Thaddeus' assistant manage to get down the stairs to "the vault" just a few seconds after he lands as if they took a simple walk there. How would they get there that fast anyway? Dylan got to "the vault" by going through a "teleportation device" that went straight to the fake vault under the stage, but the other three had to walk down a flight of stairs to get there. Even with the fake vault being close to the stage it still would take longer to get down to the fake vault. To begin with, when the vault opened, the stairs they walked down were visible several meters in the background. There were about 13 steps on the staircase which would have made the width of the staircase about 3 meters and the height about 4 meters. With the staircase at this length and position, the staircase leading to the fake vault would have had to have been located around the sitting area. Alma, Thaddeus and Thaddeus' assistant managed to get to the fake vault in about 6 seconds, too quickly. (00:36:05)
Other mistake: In the hospital, Mullins says she took the bullets out when she threatened to shoot Julian in the groin. However, we saw her leave one bullet in.
Other mistake: When Katya is told that Frank was spotted in Red Square, she tells the soldier (in the English subtitles) to call out the Army - but she says, in Russian, something about Spetznaz - which Is Special Forces, not Army.
Other mistake: This is hard to describe. When Nica finds Jill's dead body, you can see the side of her wheelchair and feet on the right side of the screen, and they've been laid over the top of the image in post-production. Their angle literally makes no sense. Her chair would have to be leaned 45 degrees to the side for the shot to be possible. Jill also wasn't close enough to the door where Nica is for the shot to be possible.
Other mistake: Keira Knightley looks down at her phone, there is a beautiful female hand holding the phone with long slightly curved nail beds. This is not Keira's hand which is seen many other times times throughout the film. She has shorter nailbed and flat nails. (00:22:37 - 01:13:56)
Other mistake: When Estefania and Amadeu first meet, she attempts to light a cigarette while talking, which is impossible - you have to have both lips together to hold the cigarette still for the match to light it successfully.
Other mistake: In final 14 minutes, the greys are attacking the house. Several screws are "unscrewed" from the plywood. The first two are turned the wrong way, and the sound effect is of tightening. (01:23:54)
Other mistake: Throughout the film, you can frequently see many people's faces blurred, phone numbers blurred, store-fronts blurred, etc. This is because the production could not afford the rights to show these people, places and things, and simply blurred them out.
Other mistake: The head of the animal that Guy is wearing when he first meets Eep is not positioned in a way that he would be able to see out of it when he holds his hands up to defend himself.
Other mistake: When Cecil and Gloria are having their birthday celebration, before they are informed of Charlie's death, Cecil goes to the refrigerator to open a bottle of champagne. We hear the distinct pop of a cork from a bottle of sparkling wine, so we know he chose that bottle, but when he enters the living room a few seconds later, he is holding a glass of non-sparkling wine (no bubbles are visible).
Other mistake: Originally when BJ introduces himself to Kid, he acts as if he can't recognize him. However, later on Kid gives BJ a scrapbook showing he has followed him all these years and would definitely know what he looks like.
Other mistake: After the Seeker says she is confident they will find Jared Howe, Melanie regains some control over her body and causes Wanderer to attack the Seeker. Seeker pins her to a tree and sprays her in the face to knock her out, as which point Wanderer falls to the side out cold. When the camera changes and pulls back, her body is in the wrong position against the tree to have fallen the way she did. The tree is close to her center with her legs out to the right of it and her torso to the left. But the way she fell, all of her should be to the left of the tree except her feet being right at it. (00:20:20)
Other mistake: When Sarah and Casey learn they're only getting a small portion of the money, Kenny says "Wait, you guys are getting paid?" However, he was there when David agreed to pay Casey $1000. He knew she was getting paid.
Other mistake: Barbara and Violet are talking in the car after returning from the funeral and all of the windows are closed, even though great effort was made to convey the fact that temperatures were in excess of 100°. They spend three to four minutes talking in the car and neither even breaks a sweat, when in reality, they could not have sat in a closed car in that kind of midday heat for more than 30 seconds or so without becoming incredibly uncomfortable.
Other mistake: Assange and Berg are talking to each other on Skype, and we see Assange and the view of him on Berg's screen at the same time. Even allowing for a delay, the orientation of Assange's head and his mouth movements don't correspond with those on screen. (00:29:40)
Other mistake: Ten minutes into the movie, during the credits one character is presented as "Cheno", but in the end credits he's "Chino". (00:10:35)