Visible crew/equipment: When the young lady is trying to drag her dead husband away to bury him, as she takes a hold of the blanket you can see the covered wagon in the background and someone's legs behind the wheel begin to move to the right. She was suppose to be alone except for her dead husband. (00:34:00)

Visible crew/equipment: The telescopic handle of a boom mic is visible in the reflection of the right window during the questioning of the gay butler in the penthouse. (01:03:05)

Visible crew/equipment: When they are going to the hospital to find Kershaw, in the outer scene on the right side a camera crane is visible. (01:00:20)

Visible crew/equipment: When Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy are in the hotel room arguing, they sit down at a table in the room. In the glass reflection of the framed picture on the wall, you can see the cameraman.

Visible crew/equipment: As the S.E.A.L.s retreat down the mountain, the camera crew is visible at rear, bottom right. Red optical mount and clean-face cameraman are a dead giveaway. (01:08:00)

Visible crew/equipment: After Charollte's father says they could book concerts on her alone, it cuts to her father's mistress and the China cabinet behind her shows the reflection of a crew member moving around.

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Jack is running through the forest following the giants to their lair, we can see the tracks of the camera dolly under the leaves on the ground.

Visible crew/equipment: When Julian follows Chang around the streets, during the second point-of-view shot from Julian's perspective, you can see the distinct shadow of a cameraman with a camera on his shoulder cast on the wall. (00:38:02)

Visible crew/equipment: Boom mics, crew members, equipment and lighting screens are reflected constantly on the actors' sunglasses throughout the movie (during the fresh clam terrace scene, when Augie and Ginger tell Jasmine and Hal about the lottery, when Augie and Ginger have a picture taken next to a yellow boat... etc.).

Visible crew/equipment: Right before Henry opens the door for Tim, in their first encounter, a cameraman can be seen reflected in the right side of the glass. (00:17:50)

Visible crew/equipment: Towards the end of the movie, it's night time and Our Man is woken by the sound of an approaching ship. Behind him, in multiple shots, is the moon. If you look closely, extending down and to the right from the moon, you can see the crane/boom arm used to support the studio light used to simulate the "moon." It is visible in the background in several of these shots, but disappears in a wider shot as the scene progresses.

Visible crew/equipment: When the group are finishing the recording of 'Tell Me if You Wanna Go Home' on the rooftop and Dan and Violet's guitar solos are finishing, the shot begins to pan out. Just before it reverts back to a close up, on the left hand side of the shot a crew member or piece of equipment slips into the shot (the shadow is also visible on the ground).