Stupidity: When Colonel Hardy is about to crash the ship he's flying into a building, Faora sees it and she has more then enough time to leave the ship and get to safety, but she does nothing and just stands there.

Stupidity: Billy and Allie saw there were several men in the area also searching for the medallion and the kids even hid from the men minutes before finding the medallion. Instead of quickly sneaking away after they found the medallion, Billy and Allie stayed in the same spot and Billy shouted, "We found it! We found it!" Seconds later, two men came from behind the tree. (00:24:00 - 00:24:21)

Stupidity: Darren could have easily grabbed Ben out of the locker he climbed into by just pulling. Instead, he pushes it inward, causing it to close and allowing Ben to either hold onto it on the inside or lock the locker itself.