Dan: Can I be honest with you? I am bad fucking news. I'm not your friend. I'm not gonna help you. I'm gonna break you. Any questions?

Picasso: Confucius said, "When setting off on a path of revenge, dig two graves."
Alex Cross: That's fine with me as long as you're in one of them.

Alice: Ada Wong. Operative for the Umbrella coorporation and one of Albert Wesker's top agents. Now the real question is: Why don't I just cancel your contract right now?

Andy: Don't act like you don't like this shit.
Chris Farraday: Why, is that obvious? I know but don't tell your sister.

Chon: You're already dead. You're dead from the moment you're born. If you can accept that, you can accept anything.

Jean Carrack: You're scared, and scared people holding guns in my face... That scares me.

Ellen Miller: It's all going to be fine. It always is. Just follow the plan.
Robert Miller: And what is that plan?
Ellen Miller: Confidence equals contract.
Robert Miller: You sound like a fortune cookie.
Ellen Miller: They are your words, actually.
Robert Miller: Then you married an idiot.

Luke Wright: There's a school for gifted children up in Seattle. It's a nice drive... If you like trees and shit.

Nabil: In Afghanistan, we had to fight to earn respect and freedom from the Russians.
Ash: You were there? What was it like?
Nabil: What happens on the battlefield is between you and God.

Lorna: God damn it, Dale! All that man ever do is create a mess.

Maddy: Chet, tell me you did not fire our lifeguards and replace them with... strippers.
Chet: Water-certified strippers.

Molly Reins: Jeremy, I'm so scared.
Jeremy Reins: I know, I know. I'm going to get you out of there. I'm going to get you out in one piece. I promise you. You believe me?
Molly Reins: Yes.
Jeremy Reins: Listen, there's something I want to tell you. Something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. For anything I did with Morgan, for not being trusting and for letting you down, honey. I'm sorry.

Simon Silver: You will know the truth, and the truth will make you furious.

Charlotte Bless: I'm not gonna blow a friendship over a stupid little blowjob.

Bryan Mills: If I kill you, your other sons will come and seek revenge?
Murad: They will...
Bryan Mills: And I will kill them too.

Vincent: Never build on a ancient Indian burial ground! I thought everybody knew that.