Factual error: Raceme's girlfriend Morgan is seen in a mugshot taken by Edinburgh Police, Scotland. They are known as Lothian and Borders Police, not as shown "Lothan and Boarders". (00:28:30)

Factual error: When the whore is talking to Lily, she says "The first thing she should do (in her new tent) is to get the carpenter to lay some boards, or she will be saying hello to Mr. Trench Foot", referring to the medical issue related to feet in wet and unsanitary conditions. This disease of the feet was not referred to as this until World War One. (00:23:10)

Factual error: When Tom has decided his scout group will have to go for the food and then his look for his son later, they are stood on a green. There is a war memorial dedicated to both World Wars, 1914 - 1918 and 1939 - 1945. That's got to be in Canada, as the USA didn't enter either war until later than those dates. (00:28:00)

Factual error: Jack enters the tournament as a recognized white belt but he is scheduled to face Kim who is ranked as a black belt. Tournaments do not allow match ups between white and black belts; it's forbidden in all styles of martial arts.

Factual error: In the Pope's coronation procession they play the anthem Zadok the Priest. It was composed by Handel for the coronation of George II in 1727, 235 years after this coronation took place.

Edward Mordrake: Part 1 - S4-E3
Factual error: Season 4 takes place in 1952. Elsa sings Lana Del Rey's Gods and Monsters. The lyrics say "living like Jim Morrison." Jim Morrison was not famous until 1960. He was born in 1943, which would have made him only 9 at this time.

Map of the Seven Knights - S5-E10
Factual error: The Czech crime database (which appears to be an official Czech database) is headed 'Czechoslovakia'. Czechoslovakia has not existed since the Czech Republic and Slovakia separated in 1993 and neither country uses the term any more.

A Father's Great Expectations - S1-E1
Factual error: When JFK leaves to become a PT-boat commander he is wearing full lieutenant's rank insignia. He was actually a lieutenant junior grade when he took command of PT-109.

Factual error: Hunt and the CDC Doc Stafford discuss an experimental vaccine for an outbreak to give to already infected people. That's not how vaccines work. You have to have it before you get sick to prevent you from having it or having a reduced response to the virus. What they're talking about is a cure/antiviral drug, not a vaccine.

Factual error: Caroline says to Max, "You've had rabies once," implying that she was infected with rabies and recovered. Rabies, once you get infected, is lethal and untreatable. (00:00:10 - 00:10:15)
Suggested correction: Rabies is curable if you are infected, as long as you don't show symptoms. You can get treatment - the sooner, the better. Also, the further away the wound that infected you is from your brain, the longer time you have until symptoms show.

Factual error: This episode reveals that Winston is colorblind, seeing green as brown. But later in the series, Winston becomes a cop, working for the LAPD. This wouldn't have happened because candidates for the LAPD are put through a color blindness test where they are required to quickly and accurately identify colors. Winston would have failed and would not have been allowed to join the LAPD.

Factual error: The bounty hunter, Frankie's, car has a Florida license plate on the front of the car. Florida only issues one license plate for vehicles, and it goes on the rear of the vehicle. (00:15:15)

Factual error: The Nile crocodile is a bright green color. Nile crocodiles are actually dark olive - brown.

Outlaw Marshal, 76 Days Adrift, Diamond Hoax - S6-E5
Factual error: In the story about Anna Hahn, a close-up is shown of a person being sworn in to testify in court. The Bible used is a Revised Standard Version. Ms. Hahn was tried in 1937. The RSV Bible's first edition was not published until 1946.

Episode #3.3 - S3-E3
Factual error: Reading the dull travel guide, the island of Saint Marie is said to be 1/10 of Guadeloupe (≈162 km), 1/8 of Dominica (≈94 km), 1/6 of Saint Lucia (≈102 km), 1/5 of Martinique (≈225 km) and 1/3 of Barbados (≈146 km). How big IS Saint Marie then? It makes no sense! These very specific fractions (Goodman praises how meticulous the book is) contradict each other. It should also be noted that this fictional book is from 1929 and none of those entities were independent nations. (00:18:25)

Factual error: Linda calls up Jen the babysitter to come watch over the Belcher kids, so she and Bob can go to Maya and Beckett's loft "party." Jen is in her room talking to Linda over the phone, however her screen still has the red (decline call) button and the green (answer call) button with Linda's name as she talks on the phone. There should only be the 'hang up' button with Linda's name and a running time of the duration of their call. (00:04:22)

Factual error: The frequency which is used to attract the dragon fly is said to be "sub-sonic" and therefore can't be heard by humans, but the exact frequency is stated to be 38.2 Hz. This is well above 20 Hz, the lowest frequency an average human can hear.

Factual error: During the switching of scenes, when visiting where Mike 1st began, it shows a marathon gas station in the background. There are no marathon gas stations West of the Mississippi river.

Factual error: Karen says she doesn't want to divorce Jody because he'll take half her life insurance payout in the divorce, but life insurance (as well as other inheritances) are not considered marital property and don't usually get divided in a divorce.

Factual error: In "What Happened to Frederick", Kathryn learns about David's affair and confronts Mary Margaret at school (after taking her anger out on Regina), where students and teachers are milling about. Later, she apologizes to Regina for "what happened yesterday", whereas Emma, earlier that day, seeks out Henry at school. Kathryn leaves Storybrooke the same day, and mysteriously disappears. According to Kathryn's phone records in this episode, she disappeared on a Sunday. However, the day she left, and the day before, was a school day. In the U.S., school classes are not in session during weekends. (00:38:25)