Other mistake: Just as the preacher finishes stitching up Jake's wound, a shot rings out from the street, and everyone goes outside to find Percy Dollarhyde drunk and shooting up the town. Percy is right-handed but holsters his 6-shooter revolver on the left, and this appears to be his only sidearm. Even if he did carry another 6-shooter, that wouldn't explain how he fires 13 shots in this scene without reloading.

Other mistake: As Johnny looks down on the wrecked car after defeating the devil, we see a blank brake disk without a wheel on. I guess it would theoretically be possible for all five lug nuts to rip clean off during an accident and leave the brake disk bare and exposed. But then the threads in the disc would still contain the shorn-off remnants of the lug nuts, instead of being empty. (01:23:00)

Other mistake: Between the freeway battle scene and the convenience store scene; there's a transition shot where you can see the characters walking through a bombed out LA with the alien aircraft flying above. If you pay attention to them, instead of following the camera, at the end of the shot you will see them all stop moving mid-stride while everything else in the shot continues to move.

Other mistake: A colleague approaches Ben, picks up a newspaper, and tries to pronounce Volkskrant. Ben gives the correct pronunciation, tells him it's a Dutch newspaper. However, the top of the newspaper is visible and says Trouw, a different Dutch newspaper. (00:40:00 - 00:43:00)

Other mistake: When the captive begins her escape, she kicks the bed through the orange portal offscreen, but the portal only starts about a foot off the ground, so the bed would have hit the wall, rather than have gone through the portal.

Other mistake: At the beginning of the trip we see close-ups of the passports of the three girls being stamped. The date is 19 Jun 2010. During the climax of the movie Emma's boyfriend puts a copy of "Le Parisien" on the counter, and the date there is Jun 10 2010. (00:12:00 - 01:26:20)

Other mistake: Succinylcholine paralyses you for about 10 minutes; in the movie it lasts way longer, and the bad guys were planning to use it instead of ropes and cuffs. It would have bought them a really short time, surely insufficient to make their planned escape to Mexico, while tying them up with just about anything (zip ties, scotch tape) would have given them potentially hours.

Other mistake: During the montage for Ross Rhea, there's a clip on the teleprompter showing Ross fighting multiple members of the other team. In the clip, Ross is shown playing for the St. John's Shamrocks and fighting members of the Québec team, but the score ticker at the top of the screen shows the score "MTL 5 BOS 2", two teams in another league that have nothing to do with the game being played. (01:01:10)

Other mistake: Towards the end during the last fight with Zeus, Atom is following Charlie as a mirror - when Charlie moves his right hand Atom moves its left, etc.. At one point in the last round Charlie jumps and punches with his right hand, but Atom hits Zeus with its right too.

Other mistake: When Bishop kills the arms dealer while Steve McKenna looks on, he stands behind the guy and in one quick motion, rips off the belt cleanly from the guy's waist, then he strangles him with it. There is no way you could yank the belt off like that if it were buckled. And even then, the buckle is certain to snag or rip one or more belt loops before you can pull it off.

Other mistake: Anna's birthday is in January, making her an Aquarius or Capricorn. Yet she's shown looking up her horoscope under Taurus which is for April-May.