Lou: At least I have my testicles.

Will Rodman: You want me to take him? I can't take care of a monkey.
Robert Franklin: He's not a monkey! He's an ape.

Ethan: The Hamptons are like a zombie movie directed by Ralph Lauren.

Ottway: Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.

Tom Conlon: So you gonna ask about her, or you just gonna sit there all sober?
Paddy Conlon: I know.
Tom Conlon: Oh you know. What do you know? You know it wasn't enough to drive west to get away from you? When we hit the water we drove north, too.
Paddy Conlon: When I get sober I hired a man to find you.
Tom Conlon: Is that one of the 12 steps? Or does a guy like you get 24?

Mercedes Tainot: Are you clairvoyant?
Steve Dibiasi: No... Steve Dibiasi.

Anna: I don't feel very young.
Liz: Well, you are.

J. Edgar Hoover: It's time we at least have one thing the bad guys don't.
Clyde Tolson: Decorating skills?

Shun Kazama: There's no future for people who worship the future, and forget the past.

Lotterman: How does anyone drink 161 miniatures?
Paul Kemp: Are they not complimentary?

Marilyn Monroe: Don't forget me.
Colin Clark: As if I could.

Norah: I waited so long for this lie to come true, that I finally paid someone to tell the truth for me.

Oskar Schell: Doesn't anybody know that there isn't anybody in the coffin? We should have filled it with his shoes or something. It's like a pretend funeral, for a goldfish or something.
Oskar's Grandmother: This is just what it is, Oskar.
Oskar Schell: It doesn't make sense.

Nora Dominguez: I avoid relationships because I can't count on them.

Sawyer Nelson: If you don't wear the tail, you're gonna die.