Jesse Richter: When I'm about to kiss you, you'll know it.

Earl of Oxford: All art is political, Jonson. Otherwise it would just be decoration.

Special Agent James Ross: She got the drop on me in my home, and she told me that if I don't bring her the whereabouts of this man, she's going to kill a member of my family every week until I have none left.
Richard: Are you kidding me?
Special Agent James Ross: Does it seem to you that I would make something like this up? So why don't you just tell me what I should do?
Richard: Call 9-1-1.

Justine: You know what I think of your plan. I think that it's a piece of shit.

The Phantom: So it is to be war between us! If these demands are not met a disaster beyond all imagination will occur.

Vincent Brazil: People choose their deaths when they choose how they live.

Ida Horowicz: Hey, Steve. I'm still your friend, right?
Stephen Meyers: You're my best friend, Ida.

Max: You get to be awake this time. This time, you get to remember.

George Valentin: With pleasure.

Matt Franklin: Tonight we're not thinking... just doing.

Albert Nobbs: A life without decency is unbearable.

Matt Freehauf: Guys like me are born loving women like you.

Jacob: I don't know if I picked that circus. But something told me that circus picked me.