Question: Being unable to believe Paul's existence, Clive attacked Paul by gripping his throat in the RV. Then Paul said "That's my fucking jorph. Get your fucking fingers out of there! If I get a jorph infection, you're dead!" What exactly does jorph mean? Where does the word come from?
Answer: Since Paul is an alien, his race would probably give their body parts names that are in their own native language. To humans, we have throats. To Paul's race, jorph is their word for throat.
It cannot be a throat as it is an opening, it is more likely an opening that acts like a human ear.

Question: Hey I haven't seen a few bits of the movie but does Humpty trick Puss with that bank? And How does the middle of the P that Puss cuts with his sword at the start of the movie stay in place?
Answer: The middle of the P stays in place because it's an animation. Humpty told Puss he owed people money and they were coming for him, but he really robbed a bank. The guards thought Puss was involved. They tried to arrest him, but Puss scratched one in self defence. He escaped on a wagon and the money accidentally fell off a bridge. He was on the run ever since.

Question: How could Shen know that Po would be the baby panda from the village attacked by Shen's army?
Answer: Since Po's father was presumably the only panda to attack Shen's wolves head-on, there's a chance Shen could have seen him. Plus in the flashback, Shen orders his wolves to attack Po and his mother before Po's father defends them both with his mallet.

Question: There's a scene toward the end of the movie where Adam sits down with his therapist (Katie). The camera shows a full frontal body shot of Adam as he's sitting down. His pants are wet. It looks like he urinated in his pants. But his wet pants aren't addressed. I don't think I missed anything. Or did I?
Answer: His pants only look wet because of the lighting. The color of the pants and the shadows make it look that way but they aren't really wet.

Question: How were the Pink Berets able to track the easter bunny's son?
Answer: Phone.
Answer: When they say James (his real name) instead of Fred.

Question: What did Richman hate about the Muppets?
Answer: He was a greedy man who wanted to drill underneath the Muppet Theater for oil. He was Ebenezer Scrooge.

Question: When Jason's mom arrived what did the sign say?
Answer: If you're talking about the sign the driver was holding, it's just says "Mrs. Taylor", which is her last name.

Question: Bernie made a full confession of murdering Mrs. Nugent to the police. In the event of full confessions, the cases go before a judge only for conviction and sentencing. So why did Bernie have to go before a jury trial?
Chosen answer: Confessing to a crime is not the same as pleading guilty in court. The DA had charged Bernie with premeditated murder (1st degree murder), but still had to prove in court it was premeditated, Bernie only confessed to killing her.

Question: How do the lemons discover Leland Turbo?
Answer: They heard him recording the message to Finn and found his words suspicious.

Question: Why is Angie (Chloe Grace Moretz) not back for this sequel?
Answer: Angie was not a character in the first Diary of A Wimpy Kid book and was made specifically for the first movie, as told in the audio commentary of DoAWK. Chances are fans disliked the character.

Question: What exactly did Shane do to Bernie?
Answer: If you're talking about in the past, he actually didn't do anything. Shane was going to tease/hurt Bernie with the stick, but Bernie grabbed it. Shane then lied to the zoo about Bernie attacking him which led to Bernie being moved. Although prior to Griffin kicking Shane's ass, Shane ended up cutting Bernie in the face.

Question: Harkin didn't even eat the peanut butter. If so, why'd he get an attack?
Answer: Severe reactions can be real, hence you see on some food packaging that the food was made in the same kitchen where they might have prepared nuts in their cooking.

Question: Who are the two guys at the very start discussing whether or not to bring Johnny in?
Answer: The two agents are not named (their names are listed as "Agent Two" and "Agent One" in the end credits), but it is strongly implied that they work for MI7, as one of them says "Five years ago, he was our top agent", referring to Johnny English, who works for MI7. Their faces are hidden, but the important information is told to us; that they work for MI7.

Question: In the scenes in the home of Annie's Mom (Jill Clayburgh), she has sketches of singers. When they are sitting on the couch, is that a sketch of John Lodge of the Moody Blues behind the couch? Thanks.
Answer: Rick Springfield and Willie Nelson.

Question: In the game where Doug Glatt makes a dive and the puck hits him in the face. Around that time we see someone step on his ankle with their skate which would have caused some pain, but we see after the game in some pub, Glatt walking around normally. Even with major painkillers, shouldn't he still be limping?
Chosen answer: Not necessarily. It would depend on the level of the injury and how much time had passed. It may be that it initially hurt a lot, but after treatment, being wrapped, and prescribed pain killers he could walk fairly normally.

Question: Why did Frank's co-worker (whom he sent flowers to) file a sexual harassment complaint against Frank, when she appeared interested in him?
Answer: It's been a while since I've seen it, but I believe it's because he went behind her back and found out her address without asking her first, which probably came across as a little creepy or stalker-ish to her, even if he didn't intend it that way. It's weird when someone you don't know finds out your address or phone number and contacts you or sends you something.
Answer: TV Tropes mentions that the big eye might be an enormous alligator, because alligators are known to live in sewers.
Alligator eyes are different from what was shown in the movie.