Best comedy TV factual errors of 2010

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No Ordinary Family picture

Pilot - S1-E1

Factual error: When J.J. first discovers his powers and understands math, the parabola "seen" on the board is wrong for the given equation and it's different than what J.J. actually ends up drawing, which seems more like the right answer.


More No Ordinary Family factual errors
Good Luck Charlie picture Good Luck Charlie mistake picture

Bad Luck Teddy - S3-E2

Factual error: PJ is getting his hair cut by an attractive female barber. Attached to the outside of the window is a neon sign reading "BARBER SHOP," but the sign faces the inside of the building so it would be backwards to people outside.

More Good Luck Charlie factual errors
Teen Wolf picture

A Novel Approach - S5-E5

Factual error: The operator that receives the 911 call only sends the police, when in actuality if a caller is silent during their call, the operator has to send out all emergency services.

More Teen Wolf factual errors
More My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic factual errors
More Death Battle factual errors
Victorious picture

Tori Gets Stuck - S2-E4

Factual error: Tori donates three pints of her blood. There is no way that the hospital would have done this in real life seeing as it takes about eight weeks before a person can actually donate blood again.

More Victorious factual errors

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