Factual error: The famous AFC Championship game that featured "The Drive" took place on January 11th, 1987, while the events of the film took place in 1986.

Factual error: Alice isn't superhuman in the scene of the Tower Swing. But at the rate she is falling, she would both hit the ground before the cable would be under tension, and even if the prison was high enough, it would probably shatter every bone in her shoulder when it does become tensioned. (01:01:00)

Factual error: In the hidden scene the car stops and you get a flash of the front of the car the New Mexico license plate is in focus (to show were they are). However in New Mexico they only issue you one plate to be used at the rear of the car.

Factual error: Sam is driving through a tunnel and there are also other cars driving through it. However, there are two X signs displayed in the tunnel, which should indicate that the road has been closed off and that no-one should be driving through it. (00:06:00)

Factual error: Metrocity appears to be located in Michigan, but the news station on the truck starts with K, which signifies that's it's in the western half of the US.

Factual error: When Cobb arrives at Los Angeles International Airport and is going through immigration, the officer stamps his passport with a black stamp. All passport stamps in the United States are universally the same with a blue oval and pink letters marking the date in the center. Plus the fact that US citizens don't get their passports stamped when they return to the country.

Factual error: Given the destruction from the nuclear blast threw the truck in the air, the rest of the surrounding area would also have experienced similar destruction. However when they are walking away from the truck to another town in a nearby field, there is no visible impact of what was a recent nuclear explosion anywhere to be seen.

Factual error: All propane tanks for the last 30 or so years have a safety valve which prevents them from simply releasing gas when the valve is turned on. Given these tanks looked brand new and Jake only turns them on, the gas would not have been released.
Suggested correction: The propane tanks they use are PEN15 models and the safety mechanism is easily circumvented.

Factual error: The movie takes place in Venezuela. Throughout the movie the Venezuelan army flies US-made UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters. However the Venezuelan army does not fly these, nor can they purchase them, since Venezuela is boycotted by the US.

Factual error: After warping back from Iscandar, Kodai looks out of the window. Yuki Mori points him where Earth is. A moment later, he responds to the hailing signal saying that they are now 420,000 kilometres from Earth. Considering that the distance between Earth and the Moon is about 385,000km, Earth is looking unreasonably minuscule from their window. (01:52:50)

Factual error: While measuring the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) being given off by Stonehenge in the film, a scientist exclaims that the frequency is increasing to over 100 Gigahertz, and is approaching radioactivity. This is absurd. EMF is radiation of electromagnetic waves over a wide spectrum of frequencies. Its strength depends on the frequency at which it is measured, with no relation to radioactivity whatsoever. It has a magnetic and an electrical component, but no nuclear breakdown as such.