Best TV mistakes of 2009

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The Assistants picture

The Morning After - S1-E5

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Rigby returns to the office and finds 15 messages on her answering machine, the second message is addressed to the name of the actor (Meaghan) rather than the character.


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The Beast picture

Mercy - S1-E8

Factual error: At the beginning of the episode, Patrick Swayze is looking at photos of two Iraq veterans who have been murdered. He identifies one as a Marine Lance Corporal and the other as an Army PFC, but both pictures show men in U.S. Army uniforms. A bit later, his partner, who is supposed to be a Marine vet, refers to his decision not to "re-up," using the Army term for re-enlistment, rather than "ship over," as it's referred to in the Navy and Marines.

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