Surgeon: Who the fuck are you and what do you want?
Tao: I'm the mother fucker that's going to do you, what you've been doing to everybody else.

Pastor John: I used to be like you.
Corey: What, you had a training bra?
Pastor John: Not exactly. When I was your age, I experienced things that made me feel like God didn't exist. Maybe you've experienced something like that too.
Sam: You don't know anything about me.
Pastor John: I can see that you're in pain.
Sam: I'm alive.
Pastor John: Is that how you see life?
Sam: Till farts taste like cherries, yeah.
Corey: What do you think God's farts taste like?
Sam: Marshmallow Peeps.

John Connor: I knew it. I knew it was coming. But this is not the future my mother warned me about. And in this future, I don't know if we can win this war. This is John Connor.

Arkin: Stupid fucking cat.

Arthur Lewis: Well, we'll always have Mars.

Madame Truska: Why can't you just get a cell phone?
Larten Crepsley: Because vampires don't need cellphones.

Wes Wilson: I'll put in my next book. How does that sound?
Isaac: Like having my balls licked by a porcupine.

Abbey Tyler: The stuff that really shakes us.We seldom never see coming.

Jake: She's here.

Laurie Strode: I'm not me.
Mya Rockwell: Who are you, then?
Laurie Strode: I'm Michael Myers' sister.

Catherine Stewart: Did you find that waitress sexy?
David Stewart: Which one?
Catherine Stewart: The one you were flirting with.
David Stewart: Oh come on, I was being friendly.

Claire Stenwick: I found these in your closet.
Ray Koval: I swear to you I have no idea who they belong to.
Claire Stenwick: Well in that case I'll put them back on.
Ray Koval: You're gaming me?

Ryder: Life is simple now. They just have to do what I say.

Keith Ripley: What the fuck are you doing?
Gabriel Martin: Improvising.