Susan Harding: Where's the coed girlfriend?
Jay Harding: That's over. Actually she was working for a PHD. She wasn't that much younger than you were, just took a little better care of herself.

Master Roshi: In an ancient time, Earth was nearly destroyed. Not by man, but by Gods from the sky.

Della Frye: Did we just break the law?
Cal McAffrey: Nope. That's what you call damn fine reporting.

Father MacAvoy: God, I need a drink.
Lai Lai Zhen: You drink too much, and your eyes give you away. You damage your liver.
Father MacAvoy: That's just perfect. That's just exactly what I need. Health advice from a hit man.

Mrs. Ganush: I beg and you shame me?

Mikael Blomkvist: What has happened to you? How did you turn out this way? You know everything about me. I don't know shit about you. Not a damn thing.
Lisbeth Salander: That's the way it is.

Wendy: But what about you?
Matt Campbell: I'm already dead.

Simon McNeal: There is something going on in this house, all right? The first time upstairs, yeah, I faked it. But the second time, that was real. That was something way beyond a few pieces of charcoal. Something way beyond what a guy in a lab coat will ever tell you.
Mary Florescu: I thought you were smarter than this, Simon. I thought, for a moment, you were for real.

Louis Salinger: Sometimes you find your destiny on the road you took to avoid it.

Diego: When you were waiting at the roundabout, for a car to pass on your left, Lena and you kissed.
Mateo Blanco: We kissed? I don't remember that.
Diego: It's a normal kiss, the kind couples give each other out of habit.
Mateo Blanco: The last kiss.
Diego: Yes. Lena didn't die in your arms, like you'd dreamed, but the last sensation she took from this world was your mouth.