Corrected entry: In the previous episode, "Dooku Captured," we see the pirates drug the Jedis' drinks, but we then see them swap their mugs with the ones next to them. We even see those pirates passed out as the camera pulls back, just before the credits. How then are Obi Wan and Anakin captured at the opening of this episode if they changed drinks? Obi Wan even says, "We were drugged."

Thorpe Park - S1-E3
Corrected entry: When Simon's car loses its door it hits the post on the inside, but the damage shows it's been hit on the outside. (00:13:20)
Correction: The damage shown is from when the door falls to the floor.

Corrected entry: In episode two in the nightclub, after Visage have performed "Fade to Grey," their lead singer Steve Strange says, "I hope you enjoyed our new single, 'Fade to Grey.'" "Fade to Grey" was in fact a chart hit in the Autumn of 1980, so would have been old news in the Summer of 1981.
Correction: If it's the last single they released, it's still their "new" single. And it's not unusual for a single to still be playing live, or on the radio, less than a year after it was a hit.

Corrected entry: At the end of the pilot episode, just before Sarah, John and Cameron travel to the future, Sarah blasts Cromartie and you can see his head fly off. In this episode, Cameron reveals that Cromartie has traveled to the future along with them by pointing out his bare endoskeleton head in the background of the video that was taken of them just after they arrive in the future. It is supposed to be impossible for anything non-biological to time travel, so why is it that Cromartie's head made it through even though it was missing the surrounding living tissue? (00:01:40)
Correction: Cromartie's head is launched into the time vortex when still (mostly) covered by flesh. This, combined with its motion (as opposed to the standing position of the other three) may have affected how his head was treated by the device. Also, this time travel device in the vault is not the same as the one in the future, but is built by soldiers sent back to the 1960s to construct it. As such, it is possible a slight, unintended variation in materials, preparation or construction can have allowed for this to occur. Essentially, there are many differences between this event and those shown in the three films, any one of which could account for what happens.

Corrected entry: When Dr. Bishop is using the special camera to capture the images on the dead woman's retina, he tells everyone to put on their goggles to protect them from the flashes. Once they find the image they need, everyone takes off their goggles, yet the camera is still flashing, and there are no ill effects.
Correction: Once they find the image they need, they are not looking directly at the flashes. It's like not looking directly at someone welding without wearing welding goggles. If you don't look directly at the welding flash, you don't have a problem, but can get retinal burn if you look directly at it unprotected.

Corrected entry: The pink bear is missing his eye on different sides. For example in episode Seven Thirty-Seven he is missing his left eye, but in this episode he is missing his right. Both scenes are right at the beginning of the episodes. (00:01:10)
Correction: It's a reflection.

Triumvirate of Terror! - S3-E8
Corrected entry: Wonder Woman hits a ball high into the air, and it is traveling out of the park. But one of the villains shoots super cooled air at the ball and freezes it, causing it to come to a stop, and fall straight down. Just freezing it would not have stopped it. Momentum would have continued frozen or not. Doesn't make sense that freezing the ball would cause it to stop in mid air and fall straight down, especially after a power hit from Wonder Woman. (00:01:45)
Correction: The ball she hits starts to go nearly straight up and not close to going out of the park when it's hit with the ice. Momentum was stopped by the added weight of the ice. Because the ball was going nearly straight up, it fell nearly straight down. There were no mistakes in the scene.

Iron Forged in Fire: Part One - S1-E1
Corrected entry: In the plane on the way to the Earth Mover testing grounds, Howard looks out the window of the right side of the plane and tells Tony to look at Tony’s genius at work. They both look out the widow of the right side of the plane, but the camera pulls back showing the Earth Mover is on the left side of the plane. So Tony and Howard were looking at nothing. (00:04:20)
Correction: In the shot after they look out the window, it shows a shot of the plane above cloud level, so at this point, they aren't actually at the test grounds yet and it is actually possible Tony and Howard were able to see the Earth Mover from this location. THEN the shot cut to show the Earth Mover on the left side of the plane.

Corrected entry: A BMW is towed to the shop with a buck (male deer) implanted through the windshield - the back half protrudes from the hole in the glass. An employee uses a chainsaw to remove the carcass in pieces. Later, the head of the buck is pulled from a box, and is seen to still have its sizable antlers. These antlers would not have remained attached as the head passed through the windshield - they would have snapped off. And even if they had not broken off, the windshield's damage would have been significantly different to account for the antlers passing through it.
Correction: I would hardly call the buck's antlers "sizable" (having only 4-points and being narrow). They certainly wouldn't have broken off, and you can see the buck's body is wider than the antlers, so the hole size and damage in the windshield is based on the body, not the antlers.

Corrected entry: Jason taking V in large doses causes an erection that needs to be drained by a needle. But it seems that when people are drinking V "directly from the source", they drink more than the ounce that Jason drank, with no ill effects whatsoever. Also taking V does not seem to make the user have sex dreams about the vampire who supplied it.
Correction: It is explained by Amy that when you drink blood directly from the source, it is pure. This does not cause bad side effects, but it connects you with the vampire who blood you drank. When the blood is not fresh, it can cause problems and does not give the connection.

Corrected entry: When the CBI breaks in the door to Gina's house they kick the door in and break the doorjamb. When the Federal Marshals come in they also kick the door in and break the door again.
Correction: The CBI kicked in the front door. The Marshals came in the back door.

Corrected entry: During the fake funeral for Sophie, the priest along with the rest of the crew use Sophie's alias of Catherine instead of Sophie. Yet at the end of the episode when Nate and Sophie are at her fake tombstone, it reads Sophie Devereaux.
Correction: That was not a mistake. Sophie had the name changed from Katherine Clive to Sophie Devereaux. She wanted to bury Sophie and all the other aliases to where all that is left is her. It is actually explained in the conversation between her and Nate in that final scene.

Corrected entry: In the episode "Showgirls", after London and Bailey have knocked everyone over in the Showgirl routine, London stands up and strikes a pose as she holds out her red boa. But in the next shot the boa is round her neck.
Correction: You can obviosly tell London throws the boa around her neck before the shot ends.

Corrected entry: If people who are magic are persecuted and killed throughout Camelot, why don't they use their magic to prevent getting caught in the first place? Merlin can move things with his mind, so all the other magicians should be able to do that as well to avoid capture.
Correction: There are different types of magic used in the show, so not all magic people have the ability to move things.
Correction: All mugs were drugged because they knew of the skills of the Jedi. The Jedi went down later cause they are stronger.