Question: How did the movie win Best Picture? I thought there was a separate category for foreign films.
Chosen answer: There's a separate section just for foreign films to highlight them and give a wider selection recognition, similar to animated movies, but they're not excluded from the best picture category, which is open to every feature.

Question: Why wouldn't Shmuel escape? It would've been very easy. He could've done it the same way he let Bruno in.
Answer: Samuel knew the dangers of the camp and knew that trying to escape would result in death. He knows Bruno is likely to be allowed IN to the camp as he is a German and Germans are running the camp. Plus, if Shmuel did escape, where would he go? He's 8, on his own and alone in the woods.

Question: When Tess reveals to Jane that she has booked the Boat House as the location of the wedding she explains that she was only able to book it because of a cancellation. She then goes on to give details of that cancellation. How would she know those details and why would the people that booked her even give her those details or even know them at all themselves? Those things seem private even if it is based on fictional events.
Answer: I'm sure the person in charge of booking the location has these details. Sure it was unprofessional to give these details out, but it happens all the time.

Question: It's been a while since I've seen this movie, but I remember a scene in which the FBI gives a press conference urging users not to log on to the website, as they then become accessories to the murders. If that's the case, why not say that anyone who accesses the site to watch someone be killed will be charged as an accessory to murder since they can presumably identify the IP addresses of those who watch? It definitely would be a lot of people that would be charged and would cause its own separate and long investigation, but it could have deterred a lot of people from watching.
Answer: Most people who log onto a website know they can be traced through their IP address. Also, this is a movie, and plot details often are not logical or realistic.
For sure. But I guess to expand upon my question, is there any reason in particular in the real world why the FBI wouldn't threaten to charge people as accessories to murder? As in, are there any legal loopholes that would prohibit the FBI or any law enforcement agency in the U.S. from charging people if the extent of their involvement is driving up views which hasten the victims' deaths? I wanted to submit this as a mistake, but I didn't know if there were extenuating circumstances.

Question: Do the earphones Ryan Reynolds uses at the beginning actually exist? I don't think I've ever seen wireless earphones that small.
Chosen answer: The closest thing to them available in reality appears to be these: http://www.sennheiser.com/sennheiser/icm_eng.nsf/root/press_releases__07.01.2008.

Question: Would a Korean war veteran be allowed to keep his Garand rifle? I assume that the film wants to depict the rifle and the Colt pistol as being the very ones he had in Korea. Wouldn't that be like a lot of guys stowing M16s in their old footlockers?
Answer: Well, a lot of veterans actually buy their weapons once they have retired, since they have the constitutional right to keep and bear those weapons. However, I don't think it is said in the movie that those arms were exactly the ones Kowalsky used during the war.
Actually, yes he did say that it was the one he carried. When Tao asked what it was like to kill a man, Walt says I shot the kid in the face with that rifle you were holding earlier.

Question: Just need to check on this. I just saw the new X-Files movie last week and believe that I saw a funny mistake in the movie. At a certaian part in the movie Mulder goes to call Scully on his cell phone and when he gets to her name it in fact says Gillian not Scully. Anyone else see this?
Answer: Sadly, it's not true - already been submitted and corrected. When we see the screen, it reads "Scully" correctly. All the other names on the screen are surnames of crew members who worked on the TV show, including, immediately underneath Scully's name, Gilligan, for Vince Gilligan, a writer on the show. Understandably, given the brevity of the shot, this is easily misreadable as Gillian.

Question: When the couple go to the guy to help get rid of the ghost, he touches the picture and sees images. He then tosses the picture at them while yelling in Japanese and causing the couple to flee. What is the translation of what he was saying? Joshua Jackson tells his wife what the guy "said" but to me it looked like he was lying.
Answer: I think he said something like "What you've done cannot be undone. You'll always be with her. I cannot and will not help you."

Question: What was the real purpose of that short last scene of the movie? Our guess was that it was to advertise Rock Band. Anyone agree?
Answer: I think it was to show that Jerry and Rachel maintained a friendship after it all. Also to maybe, maybe hint about some kind of romantic future in the way that Rachel says, "you remembered", when her ex-husband was said to never have remembered Sam's birthday. That's my thoughts - I think it's just to let us know how the characters turned out.

Question: When Troy goes to the gym at night he looks at the basketball jerseys (there are 6 I think), one is Troy's, one Chad's and another Jack Bolton's. Who do the others belong to?
Answer: I think that they are just props. The owner of those jerseys has no relevence to the plot.. They might just be randomly picked names.

Question: Is Gerard Butler playing two roles a reference to "Peter Pan," in which the same actor usually plays both Mr. Darling and Captain Hook?
Chosen answer: No. Gerard Butler plays Alex Rover because Nim imagines him looking like her father. Alexandra Rover sees him like that merely for the sake of consistency within the film.

Question: What song does Demi Lovato sing in the Easter Egg that wasn't in the movie?
Chosen answer: Demi wrote a song for her castmates and the crew of Camp Rock, which she performs for them on the last day of the shoot, when principal photography wrapped on 10-6-07. The line, "We'll never be too cool for Camp Rock 3" got laughs, just before she was overcome with emotion by the last verse.

Question: Why did Fletcher stop up the water pump at Faraway Downs?
Answer: So they'd be unable to water their cattle. Which has two benefits for Fletcher. The first being that they'd have to take their cattle to the watering hole on the border of their property, making it easier for Fletcher to steal the cows. Second, and more long term, their cattle would be of poorer quality due to lack of proper care. The ranch would lose money as a result, and they'd be more amenable to selling the ranch to their competition, whom Fletcher works for.

Question: At the beginning of the film we're told that four people came back from the rescue mission, three wrote books and two had their books published. Later on we find out Four Leafs made the whole thing up. So how do the other three survivors fit into the whole thing, did they just make it up too? Or was the opening statement just meant as a joke all-together?
Answer: There were 3 other survivors. Only they presumably told the truth. Since Four Leafs made up his version, his more than likely seemed more entertaining. So his book was chosen to be made into a movie.
Answer: Yes.