Factual error: In a scene that is twenty-eight minutes into the movie, one of the characters is seen running up to check out a new Cadillac that had been given to him by the owner of Chess Records. A 'super' appears at the bottom of the screen which reads "1952" in order to set the chronological time. Only problem is, the Cadillac is a 1956 model. Any old car buff, particularly one like myself who writes a weekly column for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, would know in a heartbeat that this car was four years ahead of the year indicated on the screen. Bruce Kunz, a.k.a. "The FIN MAN"tm www.thefinman.com. (00:28:20 - 00:29:15)

Factual error: In the scene when ADD is first leaving to go on tour, they drive past the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the bus driver announces, "On your left..." The shot of the museum as they drive by is the front. The road going by this way dead ends; there would be no way for them to get on the highway or a surface road. (Look on Google Maps. They are on East 9th Street going northwest.)

Factual error: The Major and the band are (correctly) summonsed to appear before a magistrates' court for driving without insurance, but then appear before a judge in full robes. Judges do not sit in magistrates' courts.

Factual error: When Nick leaves from his home in New Jersey to play a gig with his band in New York City, an exterior shot shows his car traveling on the multi-lane ramp that serves the Lincoln Tunnel. On this ramp, vehicles must be heading into the tunnel toward NYC, or exiting the tunnel from NYC. Nick's car is shown arriving from NYC into New Jersey- the wrong direction.