Other mistake: In the scene where Ashton Kutcher hits the 3 million dollar progressive jackpot, he only puts one quarter in the slot machine, but the machine payoff schedule shows that two quarters are need to hit the progressive.

Other mistake: When Tiara hands Sharpay the bag with the latte you can see that there is nothing in the bag, especially at the end of the scene when Sharpay tosses the bag behind her back. It would have spilled if there really was a latte in there.

Other mistake: In the scene where Carrie is reading bits of love letters to Big, she reads from a letter from Napoleon to Josephine and uses the line "I awake consumed with you". In Napoleon's actual letter he wrote "I awake filled with you" and for a brief moment you see the book Carrie is reading from, which shows the correct text. (00:22:05)

Other mistake: On the ship, Wall-E leaves dirtmarks everywhere, except when he's hiding behind an EVA pod. (00:37:20)

Other mistake: When Dr. Pincus looks at the three laxative bottles, there's a close-up of one of the bottles. The label on the bottle reads "Take 1 tablet daily with a glass of water" and "Qty: 50". Doesn't sound like a label for a liquid solution. (I noticed this in normal playback then paused to confirm it.) (00:09:10)

Other mistake: When Jim Carrey runs out of gas, and takes his what appears to be either a one or two gallon gas can and fills it, the quantity dispensed shows 5.74 gallons.

Other mistake: When the setup for the first match is announced, the Ram is said to fight Tommy Rotten "for the strap", which is pro wrestling slang for a belt, meaning it was a title match. But after the match, which he won legitimately, The Ram is not announced as a new champion, nor is he ever referred to as such, and no belt is given to him after the match.

Other mistake: When the captain gets shot with the spear after he kills Rocky, he falls to the ground, and you can see part of the spear sticking out. But where is the back end of the spear?

Other mistake: The date on the surveillance footage from the camera in the Russian Embassy says 01.05.08, implying that it is either January or May (depending on which date notation is being used, American mm.dd.yy or Russian dd.mm.yy). However, it is fall/autumn outside, as there are dead leaves everywhere. And when Katie calls Harry we can see that his cell phone shows 17/9/08. (00:48:00)

Other mistake: At the prison, the 'Specialist' rank on Big Bob is upside down. (00:18:40)

Other mistake: When Meg Ryan is getting out of her black Lexus in front of her house (about 8 minutes into the movie), you can see that it is late in the afternoon by the shadows of the bushes and the trees being cast on the ground. However, she's rushing into the house to throw a 12:30 luncheon. If it were actually 12:30, the sun would be high in the sky and there would be very little shadows cast on the ground. (00:08:20)

Other mistake: When Horton first crosses the bridge he breaks all of the planks. Then at the end when the angry mob goes to get him, they seem to have crossed the fully broken bridge to get to the other side.

Other mistake: Judging the angle Teetsi leaps towards Alex at, there is no way that he would hit him in the eye.

Other mistake: When Harry Bright and Sam Carmichael are standing on the dock in Greece after missing the boat, Harry pulls out his invitation and references the wedding in the invitation, but the envelope is sealed. (00:08:20)

Other mistake: During Connect 3's performance at Beach Jam, Nate's guitar is missing its fourth string tuning key, which suddenly reappears as soon as he leaves the stage.

Other mistake: It is crucial to the story that Peter is terrified of moths - but when he is led through the woods at knife point by Tracey, a large moth flies around both their heads for several seconds (lured by lights of the film crew) and he ignores it, being as it's an unplanned visitor. (00:42:30)

Other mistake: After the first storm on the island, the power goes out. Nim reconnects the solar panels, and her computer boots instantly to the exact screen she was on when the power went out, which is impossible.

Other mistake: When Zohan/Scrappy Coco is watching the "Phantom Muchantuchan" on YouTube, half way through the video bar goes back to the beginning and then goes back to where it was.

Other mistake: When Schadenfreude is playing the piano the first time he's on screen, he starts off by playing a slow, dark piece. Right before the piece turns to a more jazzy, upbeat number, he plays three final chords: The first is higher then the others, the second is lower, and the third is somewhere in the middle. But, if you watch his hands, the first two chords were mixed up: the first chord is played with his left hand on the lower half of the piano, and the second is played with his right hand, visibly on the higher keys. This doesn't match the audio, as the chord was supposed to be lower then the first, not higher.

Other mistake: When Lawrence and Janet are on the way to the airport and going through the tunnel, the taxi is on the wrong side of the road. This is apparent when there is a shot of the taxi, because the double yellow lines are on the left side of the screen (passenger side of the vehicle).