Camille: So, what's your interest in Greene?
James Bond: Among other things, he tried to kill a friend of mine.
Camille: A woman?
James Bond: Yes. But it's not what you think.
Camille: Your mother?
James Bond: She likes to think so.

The Silent Monk: Learn the form, but seek the formless. Hear the soundless. Learn it all, then forget it all. Learn The Way, then find your own way.

Jonathan Carnahan: I hate mummies. They never play fair.

Frank Martin: Do I look like a man who came half-way across Europe to die on a bridge?

Lina Mayfleet: Lizzie! Where'd you get that food?
Lizzie Bisco: All right. I got it from my boyfriend.
Lina Mayfleet: You don't have a boyfriend.
Lizzie Bisco: It's not official, but there's this guy who really likes me. He explores the storerooms, especially the ones on the edges. They're marked empty in the ledger, but they're not all empty. I'll give you a bite if you promise not to tell.

Freya: If you truly believe that you write the tale of your life, then the end is up to you.

Drover: We're not really used to...
Lady Sarah Ashley: A woman? I suppose you think I should be back in Darwin, at the church fete or a lady's whatever you call it. Well I will have you know, I am as capable as any man.
Drover: Guests. We're not used to guests is what I was about to say, but now that you mention it I happen to quite like the women of the outback.

June Boatwright: Aw damn it to hell.

Sargon: You've come to avenge your father, the great hero?
Mathayus: I fight for more than vengeance now, Sargon. I fight for what my father once believed in. And I fight for what you've corrupted.

Ian Hamilton: On that day I heard the voice of Scotland speak as loudly as it did in 1320. As long as a hundred of us remain alive, we shall never give in to the domination of the English. We fight not for glory, not for wealth, nor honors, but only and alone for freedom, which no good man surrenders but with his life.