Factual error: Trevor - a Professor of Geology - boasts about having an article published in Scientific American, and that is not something any scientist would do. Scientific American is looked upon with slight disdain by the scientific community, considered to be a populist crowd pleaser. It is not even peer reviewed. Considering that he has just turned the geological and archaeological worlds on their heads he would have been better off publishing in Journal of Geological Research or Geology, both prestigious professional journals.

Factual error: In the warehouse scene, the lights and other metal objects are affected by the box's magnetic field. Yet the soldiers easily lift the box into a metal truck to load it and slide it forward. If the box's magnetic field was as strong as suggested, it would have dragged the soldiers forward as it was magnetically attracted to the truck, and it would have taken much more effort for them to slide it onto the truck bed once it was stuck there.

Factual error: During the boat chase scene, Bond throws a grappling hook/anchor from the old boat he is driving onto the deck of the rubber boat "riding" his. The rubber boat is then violently yanked off of Bond's boat and crashes. This makes no sense. For the rubber boat to be yanked off that way, the other end of the anchor line would have to be tied to something stationary. However, the other end of the line is just lying in Bond's boat. There's even a shot of it sitting there.

Factual error: The aircraft used to fly to Shangri-La is a Bristol Beaufighter, a single seat long range fighter bomber. It was not a transport aircraft and could not carry passengers. Some variants of the Beaufighter were two seaters but none at all could be used as small airliners as they do here. It is not possible to simply reconfigure the aircraft as shown here - the centre of gravity, balance and trim would all be thrown out. The resulting jury-built aircraft would be uncontrollable in flight.

Factual error: After the boat has blown up and sunk, Ben swims over to it and checks it out, very little to anything is even a little charred, with that big of an explosion everything would be burnt, and black.

Factual error: Outside the Territory Hotel, during the storm, and once earlier in the movie, the taxi cabs are shown with the modern "flip over" vacancy/hired signs that were not used then.

Factual error: As a trash compactor Wall-E does not function logically. When he fills his chest compartment with garbage and runs his internal compactor, the cube that exits his body is the same volume as the trash he puts in, despite that trash having been compacted. He does not add extra trash to fill the empty space after running the compactor - there are three scenes that show him filling up only once with loose garbage and then ejecting a densely compacted cube. (00:02:30)
Suggested correction: You haven't noticed the exact shape of his body. The back sticks out a tad. Garbage fills the space and the back pushes in to compress it.

Factual error: In the very first scene a giant squid swims past Fujimoto. It swims in the wrong direction however, with its tentacles in front. In reality squid swim backwards.

Factual error: When Iron Man catches the Audi SUV, the front wings/fenders don't bend when he catches it, the car weighs close to 2 tons, some damage should occur to them as they are made of such thin metal.

Factual error: Shortly after David and Griffin jump to Japan, Griffin goes to a car dealership and takes a Mercedes. Griffin then drives on the right side of the street rather than on the left as he should in Japan.

Factual error: The first day of school is said to be on September 3, 2005. However, Sept. 3, 2005 was actually a Saturday.

Factual error: When we see the impression from the radiator cap that shot into Ian's forehead, it says 'HOT'. Since the word 'HOT' was written correctly on the radiator cap, the word on his forehead should be backwards and read 'TOH', not 'HOT'.

Factual error: Alex Rover travels from San Francisco in a large plane to Borneo, then a small plane to Rarotonga, then a small boat to Tuvalu, then a helicopter to the Buccaneer cruise ship (located close enough to Nim's Island at 20S-162W for her to row there). My globe shows these places to generally be too far from one another given the particular mode of transport. Borneo and Tuvalu are too far out of the way to fit with this story.

Factual error: The Moon is pushed into a "more elliptical" orbit. When the orbit it shown, it is more eccentric than the Moon's real orbit. However, it is centered directly on the Earth. This violates Kepler's first law of motion, which states that a natural satellite has the primary body at one focus of an elliptical orbit. In other words, the Moon should come much closer to the Earth at one end of the ellipse, and recede very far from it at the other end, rather than receding to the same distance in both directions.

Factual error: When it says that in 2 nights the moon will hide (New Moon) but the image that shows the moon is in waxing crescent phase, when it must be in waning crescent. (01:09:30)

Factual error: In order to detach wagons from the train you have to do more than simply taking off an unsecured lid in the ground and ripping out some cables.

Factual error: When Moto Moto and Gloria were digging for water, they threw all the jewels and gold into a pile. The gold in the basket would weigh more than 1200 pounds. Also, real gold comes fused to other rock and rarely in pure form.

Factual error: In the beginning dialogue when the narrator is talking about the locked box being passed down from mayor to mayor, when it reaches the 7th mayor, the counter is at 47. Later, when Lina is delivering a message to the current mayor, she stops at the portrait of the 7th mayor and says it is her ancestor. In that portrait, the box is visible under his arm with the counter showing 120.

Factual error: Although correctly addressed as "captain" towards the end of the film, Richthofen continues to wear the rank insignia of an oberleutnant (lieutenant).

Factual error: The rocket that little Tran fired at the helicopter towards the climax travels much too slowly. Peck would not have had time to react to it if it moved at a proper speed, much less throw a heavy mechanical device through the air to intercept.