Best sci-fi movie quotes of 2007

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Movie Quote Quiz
Transformers picture

Sam Witwicky: Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at your life, don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?

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I Am Legend picture

Neville: God didn't do this. We did!

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Spider-Man 3 picture

Eddie Brock: It's Brock, sir. Edward Brock Jr. I come before you today, humbled and humiliated, to ask you for just one thing. I want you to kill Peter Parker.

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Meet the Robinsons picture

Wilbur: It's been a long, hard day, full of emotional turmoil and dinosaur fights.

More Meet the Robinsons quotes More Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer quotes
Next picture

Cris Johnson: I've seen every possible ending. None of them are good for you.

More Next quotes
The Mist picture

Amanda Dunfrey: I just want you to know that it's okay... being scared. And, well, if you need a friend, someone to talk too.
Mrs. Carmody: I have a friend. God, up above. I talk to him everyday. Don't you condescend me.
Amanda Dunfrey: I'm sorry?
Mrs. Carmody: Not ever. You don't mock me.
Amanda Dunfrey: That's not what I was doing.
Mrs. Carmody: I'll tell you what. The day I need a friend like you, I'll just have myself a little squat and shit one out.

More The Mist quotes
Underdog picture

Riff Raff: Aaaah! I'm naked.

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More Aliens vs Predator: Requiem quotes
More 28 Weeks Later quotes
Sunshine picture

Pinbacker: At the end of time, a moment will come when just one man remains. Then the moment will pass. Man will be gone. There will be nothing to show that we were ever here... But stardust.

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More The Last Mimzy quotes
Futurama: Bender's Big Score picture

Professor Farnsworth: Time travel is impossible!
Fry: But Professor, you time traveled yourself. Remember? When we went back to Roswell?
Professor Farnsworth: That proves nothing! And furthermore, you'd think I could remember a thing like that! Plus, who are you anyway?

More Futurama: Bender's Big Score quotes
The Invasion picture

Ben: Our world is a better world.

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Grindhouse picture

Henchman: Please, Father. Have mercy.
Priest: God has mercy. I don't.

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Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters picture

Frylock: Oh what, you've never seen a bra before?
Master Shake: Not with the boob meat inside of it.

More Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters quotes
More Planet Terror quotes
The Man from Earth picture

John Oldman: Why not pass the Buddha's teachings on in a modern form.

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More Resident Evil: Extinction quotes
The Nines picture

Gary: This is all a dream?
Margaret: No.
Gary: I'm in a coma?
Margaret: No.
Gary: I'm dead? This is hell or purgatorium or something?
Margaret: Okay, purgatorium is where Romans vomited, but no, this is as real as anything can be.
Gary: What does that mean?
Margaret: Everything is what it is. You're not who you think you are.

More The Nines quotes

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