Best horror movie quotes of 2007

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Grindhouse picture

Abby: You killed Bin Laden?
Lt. Muldoon: I put two in his heart, one in his computer.
Wray: So that was you.

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Netherbeast Incorporated picture

Turner Claymore: Here at Berm-Tech we offer you a handshake, whether you have hands, hooks, or flippers.

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30 Days of Night picture

The Stranger: Mr. And Mrs. Sheriff. So sweet. So helpless against what is coming.
Stella Oleson: He's just trying to freak us out.
Jake Oleson: It's working.
Sheriff Eben Oleson: We have more important things to think about. I'll check on Gus.
The Stranger: Check on Gus. Board the windows. Try to hide. They're coming. This time they're gonna take me with them... honor me. Yeah. For all that I have done.
Sheriff Eben Oleson: They? Who are they?

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BloodRayne 2: Deliverance picture

Pat Garret: Newton, life is like a penis. When it's hard you get screwed. When it's soft you can't beat it.

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Diary of the Dead picture

Andrew Maxwell: The problem doesn't seem to be that people are waking up dead, but that dead people are waking up.

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Outpost picture

Prior: Someone want to tell me what the fuck he's talking about?
McKay: He thinks we're being stalked by dead Nazis.
Jordan: Ghosts?
McKay: I didn't get shot by some fucking spectral entity, here. These things are solid.
Hunt: But the one that killed Cotter vanished right in front of us.
McKay: So why don't they swoop down here like God's own wrath and take us out right here and now, then, eh?
Hunt: I don't know. Maybe God's not in on this miracle.

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The Deaths of Ian Stone picture

Jenny: Are you all right?
Ian Stone: Yeah, aside from the sudden desire to slit my wrists I think I'll make it until Monday.

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More Hannibal Rising quotes
More Premonition quotes

Waz (2007)

Waz picture

Elly Carpenter: You wanna blowjob? I suck dick good for ten bucks.

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Wind Chill picture

Guy: I was going to tell you everything eventually.

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More Teeth quotes
More Planet Terror quotes

Rec (2007)

Rec picture

Cesar: There's something more to this place. Our cells don't work. Neither does the T.V. Or radio. We're isolated.

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Rise: Blood Hunter picture

Eve: Good and evil are just imaginary friends.

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Wrong Turn 2: Dead End picture

Jonesy: Okay, from now on, you'll be the uptight lesbian sister I never had. Deal?

More Wrong Turn 2: Dead End quotes
More Dead Silence quotes
The Reaping picture

Maddie McConnell: Are you here for my girl? Are you gonna kill my baby girl?
Katherine Winter: What? No.
Maddie McConnell: Why not?
Katherine Winter: I'm just trying to help her.
Maddie McConnell: She doesn't need help. Can't you see that?

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More Resident Evil: Extinction quotes
More Drive Thru quotes

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