Trivia: The license plate on the back of the pickup truck given to Mr. Taylor as a gift from the Shiloh Christian Academy says "Jay Austin Motors." This was the name of the Auto Dealership in Sherwood Church's previous movie, Flywheel. In fact, all the movies made by Sherwood Church have a reference to this fictitious auto dealer. (01:04:55)

Trivia: The combat simulation the X-Men are running on their first appearance in the film features the dread Sentinel robots. Originally, these were meant to appear in the second movie already, but the idea was scrapped. The simulation also bears a close reference to the parallel comic storyline and later movie X-Men: Days of Future Past, where the Sentinels rebelled against humanity, killed most of Earth's superheroes and erected a totalitarian regime in the US.

Trivia: When Jack Black is singing the tune from "The Graduate" in the video store, the guy who tuts and gets annoyed is Dustin Hoffman, who starred in the Graduate. Apparently his cameo was unplanned, he noticed the cameras and stopped by, and it was decided he should make his small appearance.

Trivia: Norma Jean and Memphis are named for Marilyn Monroe and Elvis. Elvis is from Memphis, Tennessee and some of Memphis's movements are like his. Norma Jean is Marilyn Monroe's birth name and Norma Jean sings like her.

Trivia: Families of the 40 passengers and crew members killed on United Flight 93 cooperated in the production, offering Greengrass detailed background about their loved ones, down to the clothes they wore, what reading materials or music they had with them and what sort of candy they might have snacked on aboard the plane.

Trivia: Upgrayedd is portrayed by Scarface of the group Geto Boys. Mike Judge's previous film, Office Space, included Geto Boys songs such as Still, when the office workers smash the printer. According to the DVD commentary - The explanation given by Officer Collins in the Army staff meeting that Upgrayedd is spelled with two D's for a "double dose of this pimpin'" is a direct reference to the documentary American Pimp, in which real-life pimp Rosebudd offers that same explanation for the spelling of his name.

Trivia: At the unemployment office, when Larry Daley (played by Ben Stiller) speaks to Debbie he says that he felt a connection with her when he first walked into her office and with a deadpan face she quips back that she did not. Debbie is played by Ben Stiller's real-life mom, actress and comedian, Anne Meara.

Trivia: This film is loosely based on Shakespeare's "The Merry Wives of Windsor."

Trivia: The movie contains a spoof of Saving Private Ryan, where Manny is hit by a geyser and temporarily loses his hearing. Incidentally, the German voice for Manny, Arne Elsholtz, also synchronizes Tom Hanks, who also stars in that movie, which creates an inside joke by happenstance in the German version.

Trivia: In Damien's bedroom, look at the wallpaper. The design looks like a bunch of sixes.

Trivia: The poster for this movie features two snakes wrapped around a plane in a double helix style, with the film title across the middle, However some posters feature the same snakes/planes but with the title underneath. Take a closer look at this second type of poster and match each snake's head to its tail. if you match the right snaked head to the left tail the other snake head doesn't match up to the tail. Try this in any combination you like, ie. left head/left tail or right head/left tail. You will always be left with a head not matching a tail.

Trivia: During Borden's performance which ends with Angier shooting him, on at least two occasions the bill for the show can be seen off to one side. About halfway down is the name "Harry Dresden", the name of the wizard protagonist from the Dresden Files book series by Jim Butcher.

Trivia: This was Martin Scorsese's first film to win Best Picture. And his first Oscar for best Director. Martin also said that this was the first movie he ever made with a plot.

Trivia: The faun is not actually Pan. The film's correct title translated into English is 'The Labyrinth of the Faun'. However, the director, Guillermo del Toro, thought that the English-speaking audiences would get confused between a 'faun' (mythological creature) and a 'fawn' (baby deer). Therefore, for all English-speaking countries, the title is 'Pan's Labyrinth'.

Trivia: The scene in which Julia brings Ethan back to life is copied almost identically from the scene in "Lost" (Director JJ Abrams' hit TV show) where Charlie is brought back to life. Incidentally, you can hear the "Lost" music played throughout the show, most noticeable when Davian is about to pick up the gun to kill Julia.