Question: When the IMF-team fake the DHL-van breaking down, some drivers from other cars join in on the shouting that ensues. Ethan looks at a man shouting something, and he responds by raising his arm at the man with his handpalm up. What exactly does it mean in Italy when you make that kind of gesture?
Answer: Pretty much what it looks like, enraged annoyance.

Question: Did anybody who saw this movie understand anything about it? If so can you explain it to me so I can understand?
Chosen answer: There is a detailed plot description of this movie on Wikipedia -[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug_%282007_film%29]Bug, the Movie[/url].

Question: This movie is based off an old urban legend with the same circumstances involved. But there were two endings to the original legend that we've heard. In one, the babysitter lives, in the other, she dies. Can anyone confirm which one was the original?
Answer: I don't think it is possable to know which one came first since the origins of the legend are not known, but here is a good link that might give you some info. http://www.snopes.com/horrors/madmen/babysit.htm.
Answer: It's based on the murder of Janet Christman in the 50's - she was attacked and killed while babysitting. She called the police, but they didn't make it, she was found by the parents dead on the floor, right next to the phone.

Question: Is it really true that when you use a silencer the bullet slows down and is not as strong as if you did not use a silencer?
Chosen answer: Sometimes. A suppressor, known commonly as a silencer, works by reducing the sound of firing by manipulating the escaping propellant gas, and sometimes by reducing the velocity of the bullet. It all depends on the type of suppressor that is used.

Question: When Solomon met with Michael Sheen, he and Maddy were staging a set-up to expose him, as well Van De Kamp. Since what he and Van de Kamp did were technically illegal, wouldn't Solomon be arrested for giving him the diamond?
Answer: More often than not, lesser criminals are granted immunity in order to bring down greater criminals or complete criminal organizations. From a criminal justice standpoint, it makes sense to let Vandy off scot free if it helps you put the big fish in jail.

Question: I was wondering whether the evidence that Adrian Brody gathered was true, or if it's artistic license. It seems that if it were true, there should have been a further inquiry into George Reeve's death.
Answer: Here is a good link that will help separate fact from fiction. http://www.crimelibrary.com/notorious_murders/celebrity/george_reeves/1_index.html.

Question: Was the birth scene real? It seemed completely real, and the woman appeared to actually be pregnant earlier in the film.
Chosen answer: No, it wasn't real. Good make-up and acting, that's all.

Question: What was the deal with the watch switch? The only person who could connect that watch to Slevin, as far as we know, is Lindsey, and he has no reason to try and make her think he's dead.
Answer: The plan was for Lindsey to identify him at the morgue and then be taken out by Goodcat. She knows that he's going to take her out so the watch is to now used to fool Goodcat by making him assume the original plan is followed. Lindsey verifying Slevin, ending the search, killing her tying up the last loose end. Hope that cleared it up.
Answer: There were actually a few watch switches, which need to be recalled to understand. In particular, GoodKat took Nick Fisher's watch and gave it to Slevin. When Lindsey asked Slevin why the mugger did not take his watch, Slevin responded that it was fake. Slevin later switched watches with Yitchok (rabbi's son), which means Yitchok was now wearing Nick Fisher's watch. By wearing Nick Fisher's watch, Yitchok could be implicated in his death and the police would believe they had solved the murder case but did not have to "try a dead man." Slevin now had Yitchok's watch which was, undoubtedly, an expensive name-brand such as Rolex. In short, Slevin "upgraded" his watch and Yitchok gets tied to Nick Fisher's murder.
The 1st watch swap Slevin's dad is at the track, representing the last time he would see him. Also, explains the importance of the "fake" watch. The watch Lindsey sees is his father's as he wouldn't go anywhere without it. Slevin swaps with Fisher. Later flashback to Fisher look at his watch, then fwd to Slevin wearing it. Slevin swapped out of necessity, knowing it would identify him. Goodcat returns his dad's burnt watch at the end. Yitzchok's watch isn't mentioned. Value was irrelevant.
Slevin doesn't get Fisher's watch until they drop his body. That's the first and only swap. Yitzchok's watch is never mentioned, and value is irrelevant. The "try a deadman" was a fake plan involving 2 lovers killing each other told to the Boss and had nothing to do with the watch. Tried to find anything in your answer that was accurate but unfortunately nothing in your answer was in the movie.

Question: Why did the businessman think he was going to get to his meeting late since first class was closed?
Answer: He doesn't; he's just an asshole who likes to complain.

Question: When DK beats up Sean for spending time with Neela, what is the translation of what he says after he says "or the only thing you'll be driving is a wheelchair"?
Answer: I believe he says 'find another driver'.
He says something before that. It sounds like he says "or gothica".

Question: I kinda understood the scramble suits that they would wear in the movie to keep their identity secret but I do not understand exactly how they would help. If you had to walk into the office every morning (it would have to be a high security area they worked in) where you would have guards/security and id cards and such to get in, people would know that you worked there simply by watching you entering and leaving the building. The only thing the suits would help with is at public speakings but all they really seem to do is keep your coworkers guessing who you are. You see "Code name guy" walk into room then "regular guy" walk out. Not very hard to figure out. Anybody with a little insight please explain.
Chosen answer: You are working on the assumption that it would be a standard 9-to-5 job and that the same people would be walking in at the same time. Bob Arctor is seen to go in irregularly and "Hank" would also keep irregular hours, much like officers in real-life. James was also seen to enter and exit the building and he was a witness; other witnesses, lawyers, public officials, the medical staff and janitors would also irregularly enter and exit the building. There are simply too many people entering and exiting the building randomly for anyone to definitively figure out who is who, particularly as their real and "suit" identities would be kept as separate as possible, "Hank" only figured out it was Bob because she was Donna. The identities of real-life police officers (particularly officers working undercover, especially on drug-deals) are routinely kept secret and the design of the building that Bob and "Hank" work in would be designed to protect their identities and the scramble-suits would be another layer of protection on top.

Question: The trailer shows clips that are not in the actual film, such as Taylor driving the car towards Alex in the rain, and a different take of Alex telling Sophie that he is disappointed in Ingrid. Where can I find the version of this film that includes these deleted/alternate scenes?
Chosen answer: Her clothes also changes color, and so does the color of the clothes of the real XPD154. It's never fully explained, but it's probably a technological advancement from the future to change colors at will, whether it's bottled hair color or clothes.