Trivia: The combat simulation the X-Men are running on their first appearance in the film features the dread Sentinel robots. Originally, these were meant to appear in the second movie already, but the idea was scrapped. The simulation also bears a close reference to the parallel comic storyline and later movie X-Men: Days of Future Past, where the Sentinels rebelled against humanity, killed most of Earth's superheroes and erected a totalitarian regime in the US.

Trivia: Upgrayedd is portrayed by Scarface of the group Geto Boys. Mike Judge's previous film, Office Space, included Geto Boys songs such as Still, when the office workers smash the printer. According to the DVD commentary - The explanation given by Officer Collins in the Army staff meeting that Upgrayedd is spelled with two D's for a "double dose of this pimpin'" is a direct reference to the documentary American Pimp, in which real-life pimp Rosebudd offers that same explanation for the spelling of his name.

Trivia: During Borden's performance which ends with Angier shooting him, on at least two occasions the bill for the show can be seen off to one side. About halfway down is the name "Harry Dresden", the name of the wizard protagonist from the Dresden Files book series by Jim Butcher.

Trivia: When the "Dragons" are being released around the world, you see a baby carriage nearly falling into one of the cracks that forms in the ground, only to be saved at the last minute. The baby-crying sound effects were actually provided by Selma Blair, who does the voice of Liz Sherman (and also played her in the live action film), after the makers realized she could do a perfect impression of an infant crying.

Trivia: When Theo goes to visit his cousin at his apartment at Battersea Power Station, an inflatable pig can be seen flying between the smokestacks, a recreation of and reference to the cover of the Pink Floyd album "Animals," whose vision of society the film mirrors.

Trivia: The film is directed by Kurt Wimmer who also directed Equilibrium. Both films not only use similar battle techniques (gun kata), but William Fichtner also plays a similar role in both movies: Both roles - Garth and Jürgen - are with the underground movement against the totalitarian regime of the movie.

Trivia: The movie which the girl and the baby are watching just before Grant visits them is "The Toxic Avenger" a popular Troma Release.

Trivia: Some say that Leroy is experiment 628. Some people haven't noticed that in the episode with 627, at the end of the episode, Jumba had said, "Maybe next time will be better" as he places a pod that said 628. So 628 had already been created. He was never shown in the entire series, though Leroy is 629.

Trivia: At the time of the filming, the St. Charles Streetcars were not running 100%. When they show the Canal St Car, one sense that shows the car running on the right side tracks toward the camera, it's actually on the wrong side. Later when he's going to her apartment, one shot shows the streetcar running on the right side tracks (as the norm), and the trolley poles are up. Later when he gets off the car, it's on the opposite side, wrong direction, rear pole is down, and he gets out through the rear door as if it was main door.

Trivia: Anytime one of the characters click on "Do you want to meet a ghost?", they all click the "to".

Trivia: The Chitauri spiders attacking London resemble the alien machines from War of the Worlds.

Trivia: When one of the men is pulled down by a sheep whilst trying to get into a car during the sheep attack on Angus' speech, he yells the Wilhelm scream.

Trivia: In "The Moment After" (1999), Monte Perlin plays the role of Lieutenant Fredricks, but he is Commander Fredericks in "The Moment After II: The Awakening" (2006). The spelling Fredericks is used at the end of both movies under "Cast." (Respective time codes used). (01:27:07 - 01:29:25)