Factual error: The main character of the movies buys a pistol that is a 1911 Colt, which fires the .45 round. However, when the police show up at the warehouse, and see the shell casings, they mention as belonging to a .38.

Factual error: A cordless nailgun takes about 2 seconds to recharge and cannot fire consecutive nails nearly as fast as depicted.

Factual error: In the scene where Eric and Chrissie are by the pool, the song "All Right Now" by Free begins to play in the background. The movie is set in July 1969, and this song wasn't released until mid-1970.

Factual error: Troy has several chains attached to his body, of which two are attached to his Achilles tendons. This is the structure of the leg that allows you to stand and move, so as soon as he ripped them out, he would have fallen over and been unable to walk.

Factual error: When Liz and Abe's plane crashes, it sinks far too quickly to be realistic. Also, from the sheer amount of force the plane hit the water with, both should easily have died. Obviously done for dramatic effect, but still a mistake.

Factual error: There is a reference to Meggido (aka Har Meggido aka Armageddon) as being "south of Jerusalem". Meggido is actually to the very north of Jerusalem.

Factual error: Willow drops cartridges on the ground that appear to be .45ACP rounds. These are considerably larger than the 9mm rounds that Edward's Beretta pistol would actually use.

Factual error: The guy who is invisible is ran down by a car while running after the cop and the scientist. He is shown getting up covered in blood. Everything about him is invisible which includes his blood. It shouldn't have been visible after the accident.

Factual error: When Officer Cybil Bennett is burned alive over a roaring bonfire, we see her clothing start to smoke and the skin of her face blacken, split open and peel away from the intense heat (all of which are added digital effects, of course). Yet her blonde hair does not burn, smoke, nor even singe as her face is roasted. Her hair should have been the first thing to burn away.

Factual error: There are numerous rusty warning signs around the test sites from the Department of Energy. The DOE wasn't created until 1977 but the tests occurred from 1945 to 1962. They should have read Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). (00:06:40)

Factual error: The introduction of the film has Alexandria (331BC) on the map, but the timeline is several hundreds if not thousands of years prior to then.

Factual error: In the scene where the rocket launcher is fired and blows up the plane, the sound should have been delayed a second or two after the plane exploding.