Trivia: Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon both did their own singing for the film.

Trivia: The Red Sox were originally scripted to lose the World Series. After the Sox actually did win the Series, the ending was changed.

Trivia: The painting of Jeremy that Todd Cleary ('Keir O'Donnell') creates and gives to Jeremy was kept by Vaughn after filming.

Trivia: When John and Jane are questioning their former apparent target near the end of the film, look carefully at the guy's shirt - it's the logo from another Brad Pitt film, Fight Club.

Trivia: A popular film poster shows Emily and Victor reaching their hands toward one another. Emily's bony hand is on her right and Victor's suit and vest are backwards (note its buttons). Some say it was for legal reasons - Johnny Depp's name was supposed to appear on the poster first because of a contract, and they wanted the characters underneath the corresponding star names, hence the issue. Others say it was simply because the picture looked better with the bride on the right side.

Trivia: For Andy to get rid of the Teen Wolf look, actor Steve Carell's chest hair is really waxed by an actress, who is a non-professional waxer. Because there would only be one take of this disturbingly amusing scene, they set up five cameras - one on his 'friends', one over Andy, one on the waxer, one for wide shots, and one for close-ups of his chest. This scene was not scripted, so when the waxer laughs and Andy's friends are totally cracking up it was for real. Though it was strongly suggested to Steve to first trim his chest hair or to take a pain reliever before the taping, he refused, wanting to have the full cringe-effect caught on tape. In one close-up a bit of blood is actually seen bleeding up to the surface - it is not CGI. It took about seven weeks for his hair to grow back, much to chagrin of his wife, who wasn't crazy about his 'chest smiley'.

Trivia: The choice of Eva Mendes as the love interest was made because it was thought a white actress would alienate the black audience and a black actress would alienate the white audience, so they went for a Latino actress.

Trivia: In the credits the song "Forgiveness" plays, but sometimes in the song you hear three Beatles effects, like the way she says "Time, time, time" 6 times and ends with a cat noise. That is kind of like in the middle of "Hey Jude" where instead of "Time" the word is "Better" and they end with a scream. And after the cat noise, you hear a "Ha Ha Ha" like the song "I am The Walrus," and at the very end there is a build-up of orchestra followed by an ending note that holds to fade like the song "A Day in the Life."

Trivia: The movie opens in Portland, Oregon (as seen when the helicopter is flying over the city in the beginning). The Portland area is home to Nike (a big athletic shoe producer), and Nike's big name man and former CEO's name is Phil Knight. In the movie, the head honcho's name is Phil, dealing with athletic shoes in Portland, Oregon.

Trivia: When Justin is in Germany he is walking on the street to cross the road. There are 3 people standing on a corner. One of them (I think it is a woman) sticks her tongue out at the camera. (01:17:55)

Trivia: While the radio station (101 WRIF) and the DJ, Arthur P are real in the Detroit area, Arthur's show is depicted as starting in the late morning after Denny's show (10-11am). In reality, Arthur P's show has had the 3pm time slot for the past 35 years - something the Detroit resident/writer/director, Mike Binder, would know.

Trivia: When Crazy Dave is putting the chain on Herbie at his yard, Herbie squirts oil all over his foot. This is a reference to the 1968 film "The Love Bug", in which Herbie did exactly the same thing to Thorndyke (David Tomlinson).

Trivia: In the Middle East, a censored version of the movie was released that eliminated all of the homosexual content. The result apparently didn't make any sense at all as the scenes were important plot points.