Question: What happened to Bo, Luke and Daisy's parents?

Question: Is there going to be a sequel to this movie? I checked IMDB and didn't find anything, I'm just trying to get more confirmation.
Chosen answer: George A Romero the director of the film has mentioned he would like to do a sequel, sort of a part 2 to the first, here is a link where you can read it for yourself. http://www.joblo.com/index.php?id=7807.

Question: Can you really overdose on nicotine patches?
Chosen answer: Yes you can. Quoting from Drugs.com: "Symptoms of a nicotine overdose include nausea; vomiting; watering mouth; diarrhea; abdominal pain; cold sweat; headache; dizziness; disturbed hearing and vision; confusion; weakness; weak, irregular heartbeats; chest pain; seizures; and death."

Question: Why did Joan Collins character let herself get beaten up by her ex husband's second wife? She surely could've used this to get her arrested for assault.
Answer: Alexis instigated the fights, by lying cheating and mouthing off. Plus the publicity of an arrest or trial was no doubt unappealing.

Question: When Gracy is trapped in the sinking ship with the feather at the back of her costume stuck under the cannon, couldn't she just have pulled the individual feather out of the back of her costume instead of pulling it out from under the cannon?
Chosen answer: Possibly, but it was attached fairly well considering it didn't break when it was caught on the cannon. If she could though you don't exactly think straight when you're about to drown. You're in a panic.

Question: I know it wouldn't make for a very dramatic ending, but is there no way to get from the centre field seats where Lindsay was in Fenway to Ben's seats along the first line? I mean, couldn't she have just ran along a main concourse?
Answer: At the stadiums that I've been to there are ushers posted at the top of the stairs that lead to seats closer to the field. You can't get down there without showing a ticket for that section. They also show her trying to get to that section and being told she can't go in that gate. Also, she sees through the binoculars that Ben is about to sell his tickets and she wants to create a diversion.

Question: Probably it's for dramatic impact, but it seemed strange that Ryan Reynolds' character would rush out to the boathouse on seeing the red balloon. It would have made more sense to check her room first, but he leaves (and even dives into the icy lake) without telling anyone. If it was out and out panic, wouldn't he wake his wife? Apart from as a plot device, any ideas why?
Answer: He sees the balloon, and instantly assumes his step-daughter is inside the boat house, and hence is in danger of slipping and drowning (or perhaps already in such a situation). He rushes straight out to get there as quickly as possible. Checking her room, or telling his wife would take up time, not to mention he is probably running on adrenaline.

Question: Why was Frank evading the police after managing to escape the bad guys? Couldn't Audrey tell them that he was on their side?
Answer: The police will just get in the way and slow things down too much. Frank can operate outside of the law and get more done and get it done quicker. Plus, they can't just take Audrey's word for it.

Question: What exactly happened to Reaper's parents? I didn't get much from the flashback, and it's almost never mentioned.
Answer: They died in a cave in, in the archaeological dig area. Or at least that's what I got.

Question: Why is River bare-foot so often, especially on a ship that has a lot of metal flooring?
Answer: She has several mental disorders, presumably she finds shoes confining or uncomfortable. It's notable that when she does have footwear it's almost always heavy calf high boots, instead of slippers or more comfortable shoes.
To add; She likes to dance, and being barefoot it's easier to move around.
Something I always wondered is when she goes on the heist barefoot at the beginning of the film, none of the other characters seem to notice or care that she's in bare feet. Even her brother, Simon, didn't try to get her to wear shoes.
Answer: The reason is that Summer Glau had severe tendinitis and arthritis in her feet and wearing shoes was painful for her.
I actually got to ask Summer this at Galaxy Con. She said that being barefoot helped her focus on becoming her character.

Question: What's the title of the song Casey was using when she was already performing the rink? It doesn't seem to appear in the credits, and I tried searching OSTs online, and none of the songs' lyrics match the song Casey used.
Answer: Reachin' for Heaven", performed by Diana DeGarmo.

Question: Why was Alejandro referred to as "de la Vega"? This was Elena's surname and it would seem unlikely that Alejandro would have taken his wife's name rather than her taking his.

Question: Near the beginning of the film, Capote is talking about a story involving a gay black man being in love with a Jew. Since all the rest of his anecdotes involve real people and/or works, does anyone know which book he's talking about?
Chosen answer: He is talking about 'Giovanni's Room' a novel by James Baldwin.

Question: There is a skull and crossbone flag in both Nanny Mcphee and Nanny Mcphee Returns, why?
Answer: The skull and crossbone flag can be interpreted in a number of ways. Death, both literally and symbolically, is an ongoing theme in the story. Cedric Brown, the children's father, is a widower, and he is also an undertaker. There have been a number of nannies for Mr. Brown's rather naughty children, but they have systematically gotten rid of each one, basically "killing them off," though not in a literal sense, until Nanny McPhee arrives.

Question: Why was Mr Mertle a lot more mean in this movie than in the first one?
Answer: In the first movie Benny and company were also making a great deal of noise and Mr. Mertle didn't complain.
Answer: Because it's annoying when you have to hear kids scream and break a window.

Question: Is the cloning their explanation for why, in the series, Aeon Flux died in every episode? If not, I'd say she's Kenny McCormick's descendant.
Chosen answer: Although the scenario does happen in the episode "A Last Time for Everything", this is not the case. The creators intentionally left the series without a direct continuity as a satire of the action genre.

Question: Could anyone tell me what is the name of the song that Christina Milian performs with Aerosmith?
Answer: It is "Cryin'", One of Aerosmith's songs from the mid 90's.
Answer: It was never mentioned on the show but the producer/writer has stated they died in a car crash in public and on the DVD.