Easter egg: In the main menu of the second disc (extras), of the 2 disc edition of the region 2 DVD, press the pointer to the right. Joel's shoe will turn red and you will see a short film made by director Michel Gondry.

Easter egg: On the Bonus Features DVD, disc 2, on the main menu just under "The Show," there is a small curly square of decoration that illuminates when you click it. It shows the trailer of the film.

Easter egg: Go to Scene Selection. Highlight scene 15. Hit the back button once. A wine bottle will appear. Hit enter and you will see a montage of behind the scenes photos.

Easter egg: On the normal version of the DVD, in the subtitles section, there is something called "The Zomb-O-Meter Track." Select this, and have a whole heap of extra trivia appear as subtitles, such as music credits, storyline pieces and other good stuff.

Easter egg: The Girl Next Door unrated version contains an Easter Egg in the Special Features section on the reverse side of the DVD. From the Special Features menu, use the down arrow to highlight the "Gag Reel." Hit the right arrow once and three X's will appear. Hit enter and a full version of the original sex education film "Parent to Child About Sex by The Film Library Department of Human Resources" will play.

Easter egg: On the second disc, when the menu first appears, hit right on your DVD remote to highlight one of the wooden planks on the Trojan horse, and hit Enter. There is a clip the CG department made of some animatic 'bloopers' during the movie.

Easter egg: From the DVD's Main Menu go to the "Features" section and there press the Left arrow key on your remote control. This will highlight a frog between Hillary Duff and Michael Murray. Now press the 'Enter' key and you will be treated to a brief clip on the producers trying to find the perfect frog prince.

Easter egg: When you go into the special features, there is a game featuring Char and the fan club. If you want to skip to the "reward", press the left arrow and it will highlight the bottom of Chars picture with a little flower. Press enter and it will come up with the "reward".