Factual error: At the beginning of the episode where the school gets a news broadcast, Mary Ferry says that the first broadcast will be the following Monday. Later in the show, however, she is talking to Addie at school and says that the first broadcast is the next day. If that was true, it would be Sunday, and they would not be in school, and they never changed the date of the broadcast.

Factual error: On the map, Budapest is indicated to be just as large as Transylvania, or at least of the same size category. Apart from Budapest being only a city and Transylvania a pretty large county, Budapest (taking its 19th century size) is not more than 500 square kilometres while the Transylvanian region is circa 57000 square kilometres. (01:11:40)

Factual error: The stadium in the opening scene was not around in 1995. The first game played in that stadium was 2001.

Factual error: After the robots first attack New York City, a series of newspapers is shown. The German one is full of mistakes. It says "Sehr grosse metallic Maschinen stehlen stehlen Reserven." The word 'metallic' would be 'metallisch' in German and they would write robots as 'roboter'. 'Stehlen' (steal) is written twice. (00:15:15)

Factual error: Right before the American Eagle students find the graffiti on their building, Mary and her friends comment that there is only one more week of school, setting the scene in spring. In the background, many of the trees have yellow leaves and are beginning to go bare, making it autumn.

Factual error: The Great Exhibition was held in 1851, roughly 15 years before the film takes place.

Factual error: At one point in the film there is footage on the news of Mystery Inc's embarrassing attempt to stop the ghouls from stealing costumes. In particular, it focuses on Shaggy and Scooby being dragged across the table, etc. But look at the angle it's taken from: no one could have taken that.

Factual error: When Pete is in the office of the Piggly Wiggly and his "boss" asks when they will be losing him to Richmond. Pete states that he has already received his acceptance letter from Virginia State (University). Virginia State is in Petersburg, VA not Richmond. The writers most likely put the capitol city in the film, considering more people would know where they were talking about.

Factual error: Celine and Jesse are walking from Shakespeare & Company on the left bank of Seine to the Pure Cafe on the right bank, but they never cross a bridge.

Factual error: Charles II appears to be teased by Nell Gwynn into changing the law where women were not permitted to act just because she wanted to be an actress. By the time when Charles II did so, more than likely he did not know Nell Gwynn existed. It was through the stage that he ever knew about her and made her his mistress.

Factual error: Bridget appears to be making her first parachute jump. The mistake is that she would not be permitted under UK law to make her first jump the way she does. She would either have to jump with a static line attached to the aircraft, which opens her parachute automatically. Or if she took an accelerated free fall course, she could free fall but she would do so with two instructors jumping with her to steady her and open her chute if she panicked.

Factual error: When Ford is about to start up the Y2K bike, Ice Cube's character is giving some stats on the bike like o to 200 in ten seconds, and carbon fiber chassis, he's got it all wrong. The bike does zero to 204 in 6.1 seconds and is made of aluminum; with only carbon fiber wheels, not the chassis.

Factual error: When Ryan is waiting for Jason Statham to call him back, the ringtone heard is polyphonic. The type of phone Ryan has plays monophonic ringtones only.

Factual error: In the cricket match, a number of things happen that are highly questionable. When the player is bowled, the bowler appeals, something that is only done if the umpire's opinion is required, which in this case it isn't. Even after the appeal, the umpire shakes his head, which in cricket, indicates that the batsman is not out. Only a raised finger or perhaps a nod would be out. To the uninitiated, the equivalent in baseball would be for the umpire to call "ball" and have the batsman walk off the ground as though he had struck out, instead of taking first base. (00:33:10)

Factual error: When Reinaldo is thrown out of the hotel window, his trajectory should make him fly way past the narrow ledge. (00:34:30)

Factual error: The song that Davy Crockett plays on the violin is 'The Mockingbird Quick-Step,' written in 1855, several decades after the events of this movie (and later used by the 'Three Stooges' as a theme song.).

Factual error: In the very beginning of the film, the priest is walking through a battlefield that contains the bodies of Roman soldiers (they are wearing distinctive Roman uniforms and armor), which dates the battle no later than 6th century AD. He is holding a rosary in his hand, but the rosary wasn't introduced into the Catholic Church until the 13th century.

Factual error: The backdrop to the party scene in India shows a large building with glass windows. The Romans were the first to use glass windows some 300 years later.

Factual error: In the scene when the kids are on the boat hunting the snakeheads, Amber fires at least eight shots from a six shot, snub-nose revolver. Her friend then grabs the gun and fires two more shots from it.

Factual error: When John is talking on the phone to someone who found a dog, he says something about Odie not being a hound dog, and how sure he was. Odie is part wirehair Dachshund (you can look it up - plus I own Dachshunds), which is from the hound breed.