Other mistake: At the end, when Peter saves Mary Jane from the collapsing structure, he jumps up in the air and swings her to safety. However if you look at the web he is holding onto it is hanging down vertically. What did he attach the web to that was directly above him, the sky? Every bit of the structure around him was/had collapsed and the only thing remotely close to swing from was the cranes. Yet we see that was quite a distance away, so Peter would have had to shoot the web away from himself not above him. (01:47:50)

Other mistake: When Marcus and Kevin reveal their real identities to the crowd, their eye colour changes from blue to brown without any indication that they removed their contact lenses. They simply lift off their masks. (01:38:10)

Other mistake: In the scene where they're loading Tom Cruise's first victim into the trunk, as Max lifts at the arms you can see the "dead" guy holding onto Max's forearms. (00:20:55)

Other mistake: The video quality on the phone would not be as good as the film makes out. In fact, as far as I know, no mobile phone has that quality. The fact that they would then be using the video he filmed off the camcorder as evidence just makes no sense, as you definitely wouldn't be able to see anything on the phone anyway.

Other mistake: During the end credits, when the Bride is driving through the cliffs, there is a part when she turns her wheel left, but the car turns right.

Other mistake: Towards the beginning of the film when Oz talks to Jill on his cell phone in the car and he hangs up, you hear Jill answer Jimmy in Oz's cell phone. (00:13:25)

Other mistake: In the opening scene where the two cars race. they use a traffic signal to start the race. This traffic signal is in the middle of nowhere and there is no intersection at this light and a single lane road. Also, there aren't even supports for the traffic light on either side (which would be necessary because the light is suspended from a wire), which is most visible during the crane shots.

Other mistake: After taking a knife to the leg, Starsky hops off in obvious pain, not able to put weight on the hurt leg. When he is putting his "bad cop" routine on for the Korean man, he walks perfectly fine, but then when he walks from the door to the table (after Hutch and the man have their meal and conversation), he walks with a very pronounced limp. (00:56:25)

Other mistake: When Bruce Willis enters the hotel room in Rome to see Julia, Matt Damon reacts twice with surprise when he turns around and sees Bruce.

Other mistake: After Ethan crashes the Impala, he shoots at Keifer to make sure he's dead. Keifer's head and torso are on the hood of the car, but the shots break the back window on the driver's side. (01:13:05)

Other mistake: At the billiard place in Bogota, just after Javier gives some money to Maria, pay attention to a couple of her shots: there is a horizontal line of dirt on the lens, that runs across the screen.

Other mistake: When the taxi and the BMW are driving down the alley, the robbers are trying to escape, the cop is running after them on foot, they reach the end of the alley the BMW takes off but the taxi stops for the cop and he shows up shortly after. There is no way he could've caught up to them that fast. Not unless he can run at 30mph.

Other mistake: When Creasy is coaching Pita in the home swimming pool he calls her by his name, Creasy, not Pita.

Other mistake: When the CID turn up at Vera's house, there is an overhead shot of their car parked right outside, sitting in the snow clad road. However there are no tire tracks in the snow, of the car making its approach.

Other mistake: When Max, Lola, Stan and Sophie get back from scuba diving, Sophie gets a call on her mobile phone, she looks at it, and it says "13 new voice messages", instead of "incoming call". (01:16:45)

Other mistake: When Larry is taking the cigarettes out of the box, look at his hand. It has a white paint drop or white dust on it, but throughout the scene it disappears and reappears. (00:55:10)