Plot hole: It is apparent that Shrek and Donkey have never traveled to the land of Far Far Away, yet Donkey immediately recognizes the "old Keeblers' place" when he should have no idea where it is or what it looks like.
Suggested correction: Donkey only thinks it's the "old Keebler's place." Puss in Boots then corrects him and says it's the Fairy Godmother's cottage.
Plot hole: Why would Matt sign over the rights to his pictures with Lucy, when he later tells Jenna that he hasn't believed a word Lucy says since High school? (01:15:00)
Plot hole: Starsky & Hutch go to apprehend the driver of the car that was shooting at them, the Korean man. They go in and his son starts throwing knives at them. They then ask the man to tell his son to stop throwing knives. The man shouts out to his son to throw ALL the knives. The son throws all the knives, and then Starsky & Hutch dive for cover - after he starts throwing knives again. Yet, when they are interrogating the Korean man, Chow, in the lock-up in the next scene, Hutch reveals that he is able to speak quite a bit of Korean - and proceeds to converse with Chow in Korean quite a bit. Obviously he knew this Korean when they were apprehending the man and he could have told the boy to STOP - or at least understood that the father told him to keep throwing. The way this is presented, and the level of Korean he exhibits in the subsequent scene is completely illogical.
Plot hole: Jimmy tells Oz to "pull out the wires" from under the dashboard to hotwire the car. Firstly, car manufacturers (including Buick) don't have the ignition wiring that is easily accessible, and secondly, assuming the car didn't have an immobiliser, at what point was the steering lock broken? Er, it wasn't.
Plot hole: In the scene where the Sheriff stops the cows' brawl, he gives them to the Chinese man. The Sheriff knows what Pearl's animals look like, so why didn't he recognize the cows as Pearl's?
Plot hole: During the play Klaus climbs up the side of the building to save the baby. He gets up and finds out Olaf burned their home with a giant magnifying glass. Later, Klaus uses the magnifying glass to burn the marriage certificate. This is impossible because the device couldn't have possibly been facing or forced to face the stage. The magnifying glass was on the other side of where Klaus climbed up and when he was climbing up he was facing the stage.
Plot hole: The Russian with the goat medicine is transferring flights from Toronto. The likelihood that he would be doing that rather than flying into Russia directly from Canada is pretty slim. However, assuming he did, there are two major errors with this scenario. First, U.S. customs is cleared in Pearson Airport in Toronto so he would not be dealing with Dixon at all in New York. Secondly, it's unlikely he would be dealing with customs at all, as it would place all transferring passengers in a holding area and send them on their plane with no opportunity to go anywhere except onto the other planes. While the U.S. reserves the right to interrogate anyone entering the U.S., the fact is it would transfer him out as quickly as possible. (01:07:15)
Suggested correction: When the movie was made, there were no direct flights to Russia from Canada. Even today, most flights change planes in either Frankfurt, London, Helsinki, etc. There are cheaper flights originating or connecting in the US, so it is very likely he that he would travel to New York to get a direct flight to Moscow. When I travel to Russia, it is cheaper for me to get a flight to Seattle, and fly directly to Moscow, than to fly out of Canada and transfer planes in Europe. Since 911, ALL passengers travelling through the US must clear customs in the US even if only transferring flights. All passengers must deplane, and all luggage is removed from the plane, checked, and loaded again. If the Russian has goat medicine in his luggage, the FDA would definitely be interested in why he has it, and what for.
This is incorrect. You only have to clear customs on a US layover if your final destination is in the US. If your point of origin and the destination are outside the US and you just have a layover in the US you just need to go through the regular transit formalities not customs.
No, you are incorrect. I've done it many times. Post 9/11, if you use the US as transit point between two countries you need to clear immigration and customs. Moreover, you need a visa (or visa waiver).
Plot hole: Near the end of the film it's revealed that Drew grew up poor with only his mother, who had to work double shifts to survive. So how did they afford that huge house? Even the Valcos are supposed to be struggling financially yet they now live in this massive house too.
Plot hole: The plot that a piece of the Roman spear that pierced Christ ends up in a hidden Mayan temple in the Amazon (which is nevertheless still full of gold etc.) makes no sense.
Plot hole: Greg suddenly wears Jack's "breast" during the "monkey business" scene with a crying LJ. But the only time we see it is in the RV which Jack would most likely have kept locked up. How did Greg get ahold of it?