Audio problem: Near the end of the movie the helicopter is flying into the area where the troops were held. The radio traffic isn't pilots or air traffic controllers, it's railroad dispatchers and trackside detectors.

Audio problem: When the trainer and Banks are fighting near the end where all the water jugs are, we here glass break when the trainer shoots that gun type weapon at the water jugs. But they are made out of plastic.

Audio problem: When Kevin, as Brittany, is in the hotel lobby she starts to write a letter she says "Dear Mister Royal Hampton." then it cuts to a behind shot and she says "I am a white woman in America." but his jaw doesn't move.

Audio problem: Just after the captain of the other boat (Bill's friend) breaks the bottle, and looks over the side, you hear a voice say "What the hell was that" although the guy's mouth doesn't move, also the voice sounds more like Bill's low voice than this guy's Australian-sounding accent.

Audio problem: The pitch of an airliner's engine doesn't change dramatically when going through rough turbulence. In the scene with the turbulence - after all is quiet, it almost sounds as if the engines are shut down. And it happens way to fast for it to be the pilots doing it. And why would the pilots speed up when entering turbulence?

Audio problem: When the Woads attack in the beginning of the movie, after the knights have pretty much won the day, Bors hold up his fist knives, sticks out his tounge, and yells a sort-of war victory yell which sounds rather comedic. At the end of the movie when the knights and their horses charge into the Saxons out of the fog, you can hear Bors' exact same yell once again.

Audio problem: During the conversation between Maria and Juan about her pregnancy, when he says "Donde comen dos, comen tres" his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When the chief of police arrives at the blood farm he is surprised by Blade and Abigail. He quickly reaches inside his jacket to draw his pistol but Abigail draws her revolver much faster. As she draws there is the unmistakable metallic sound of a revolver being cocked, but when she extends the revolver out in front of her to cover the chief the hammer is down, not cocked. The revolver could be seen in the holster with the hammer down, so she could not have been manually decocking it to make that sound.

Audio problem: When Agent Henderson is talking to Sheriff Barnes, it cuts to the other FBI agent talking on the phone and you can see Agent Henderson in the background and she is asking the Sheriff to explain what a typical homicide is, yet her mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When Dr. Gordon is dialing 911, we hear one low tone then two higher tones. On touch-tones phones, 1, 4, and 7 are the lowest tones while 3, 6 and 9 are the highest. Gordon would have dialed a 1, 4 or 7 first and then a 3, 6 or 9 twice in succession. Possibly 1-9-9 for Emergency? (00:55:50)

Audio problem: Luke and Alex are standing outside the restaurant. Close up on Luke as his mouth says, "Are we still going out tonight?" Yet we hear, "Are we still going out tomorrow?"

Audio problem: When Pete is coming down the steps at the indoor beach party, you hear the DJ say a few words, but if you notice, his lips don't move, nor does he look up, and he keeps spinning the record.

Audio problem: Just before Aunt May does her hero speech she tells Peter that he 'Did a very brave thing, telling me, and I'm proud'. There is a pause between each clause of the sentence and the 'Telling me' line is obviously dubbed, the shot is from behind but the sound of the line is different.

Audio problem: When the Mexicans begin their final attack, we see Travis call to Joe to wake him up, but if you watch closely, you don't see his lips move, you just hear "Joe."

Audio problem: Riddick, Kira and the Crematoria escapess are running across the planet surface, through the lava channels. Rounding a corner, Kira has lost sight of Riddick and calls his name, but her mouth doesn't move. (01:11:40)

Audio problem: When the carolers come to sing for the Kranks, it is professional-quality singing. Then the neighbors join and you can hear that more people are singing, and the quality of the singing is realistically worse(the neighbors can't sing well.) After a few shots of the carolers AND the neighbors singing, the sound goes back to just the carolers singing, though you still see the neighbors singing on screen.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the school dance scene, there is a kid screaming "Sabbath. Sabbath." Later on, the same kid is shown to be the DJ, and when he is changing records, you can hear his voice still screaming "Sabbath. Sabbath." in the background, even though he is not saying it. (Revealed in DVD commentary).

Audio problem: When the car dealer says "You're the insurance guy. I remember your truck" these words do not match his lips movements. (00:02:20)

Audio problem: In the start credits when the aircraft touches down, you hear the main landing-gear squeak (twice, as the pilot doesn't touchdown simultaneously) but you never hear the squeak of the nosegear.

Audio problem: When Sally's friend turns up the volume on the TV for the debate, the volume doesn't go up as many "notches" as it should, because she raised it quite a bit.