Visible crew/equipment: At dinner, just after Harry takes the plate from Petunia and as Aunt Marge says, "A bit more," referring to the brandy Vernon pours, in the left glass door of the hutch behind Vernon, there is a nice clear reflection of a crew member lowering his white sleeved arm off screen. (00:02:40)

Visible crew/equipment: While in the pot field, just as the growers are about to shoot them with the laser sights, you can see a crewmember crawling by in the background. (00:44:50)

Visible crew/equipment: When Jack is in the library towards the end of the movie, he looks in a room and then the shot goes back to facing him. If you look very carefully, in the back of the hall you can see a person walk by. He is very hard to see. (01:49:05)
Suggested correction: You never see anyone walk by. It's only him and his friend Jason. It's also very dark in the hallways so may have been a shadow.

Visible crew/equipment: During the briefing Weyland says "But it's not on the ice, it's two thousand feet below it" it cuts to a shot behind Maxwell with an overview shot of the crew. If you look behind Maxwell you can see the tip of a head moving into picture. In the previous shot we could see no one was standing behind Maxwell, and it couldn't be Sebastian cause he went back to his seat. (00:07:55)

Visible crew/equipment: Right before they go over the waterfall, you can see the film crew in the mist.

Visible crew/equipment: As the camera moves in on the bull that is about to be grabbed by the vampire, if you look under the bull, you can see two men hiding behind it. You can see their legs. They are probably there to keep the bull standing still. When it cuts they are gone. (00:26:05)

Visible crew/equipment: When the gang break into the house at the beginning we see Shaggy playing with an old record player. It suddenly turns on with a bang, and if you look quickly when the camera returns to Shaggy, you can see a hand on the left side of the screen (with what looks like the remote to turn the record player on) quickly pull out of view off screen.

Visible crew/equipment: When Arthur is riding with his knights in the open field, there's a front shot of the cavalry line. When the camera lowers down to where we can see the legs of the horses, the trail of the camera stage is visible on the ground.

Visible crew/equipment: When Ella is tending Char's wound, they get up, and while Char is putting on his shirt you can see his microphone clipped to the back of his pants.

Visible crew/equipment: In the Paris opening, lighting reflections are visible in the windows, and on the roofs and bonnets of the cars.

Visible crew/equipment: Inside the Royal Academy of Science, when the camera zooms in on General Fang's amulet, the reflection of the camera can be seen in it. (00:08:15)

Visible crew/equipment: The scene following the one where Elliot was inspecting the aircraft's vertical rudder, shows a long view of the aircraft in the desert, where a shadow of a helicopter and the helicopter itself appears in the background.

Visible crew/equipment: When Cody throws the "explosive" mint out of the window, there is very obvious lens flare reflecting off the window on the left (look out for the blue flash.)

Visible crew/equipment: After Aeryn delivers the baby and asks John if he can get them out of there, in the shot after they kiss there's an explosion, and as the Charrid stuntman is thrown into the air we can see the springboard's top platform flip up, which propelled him into the air.

Visible crew/equipment: During the fight sequence "The Last Two" between the remaining Treadstone agents, after Bourne is first shoved into the venetian blinds, look on the lower right corner (behind the wall) for a camera operator's hands and the lens hood of their respective camera. (00:41:40)

Visible crew/equipment: When Denzel is trying to get information on Samuel Ramos he is talking to a woman on the phone. When we first see her talking next to her computer, this shot begins looking over a rail and pulls back. As the camera pulls back, the track that it is sitting on is visible on the bottom right of the screen. You can also see electrical wire next to the track.

Visible crew/equipment: When Riddick's team reaches the crematoria hangar with the Necros already there, there are two "lensers". As the camera pans to the first lenser full frontal it turns its head, and in the glass of its face plate you see the banks of studio lighting and camera crew. But when the scene cuts to what it is looking at, you see rocks. The effect also occurs when the second "lenser" turns its head , but the visible equipment is less. (01:24:45)

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Scotty and Cooper are waking up on the bus, behind their heads is a shiny soccer trophy where you can see a man holding a microphone and another guy with a camera.

Visible crew/equipment: Three times you can see lens flare as the camera is pointing towards the sun: the airborne-shot of the Jefferson Memorial (in this one you can even see a part of the airplane or something else in the lower left corner), the Philadelphia skyline as they drive into Philadelphia, and the view from the "target location" of the shadow of the cross (near the brick containing the glasses) towards the steeple with the bell.

Visible crew/equipment: When Ned and Zissou are arguing and walking through the boat, they pass in front of a picture where the reflection shows a completely different camera set up from the documentary crew, with two grips wheeling a dolly.