Character mistake: When Charlie is calling out the brick count to Napster from the subway, he describes it as being "13 across, 4 high, 4 deep". The bricks appear to be 2 deep in the safe (13x4x2), so he could just be lumping two shelves together, which works (13x4x4 = 13x4x2x2). The problem is that when the camera pans down there are 3 shelves in the safe. This means that there are more than the 208 bricks that Napster announces. (01:33:40)

Character mistake: When the Terminator scans the doorman at the bar, a display comes up categorizing each piece of the doorman's clothing. The word "briefs" is misspelled "breifs". (00:13:40)

Character mistake: On two occasions throughout the film, Kraven's accent changes - once when he is talking to Lucian near the beginning of the movie and near the end of the movie when he is telling Selene that Viktor killed her family.

Character mistake: The word "Storyboard" in "Storyboard Artists" during the end titles is misspelled "Stroryboard". (02:05:00)

Character mistake: When Brian, Roman and the thugs are racing to get Verone's package, Verone does a little research on them. When he looks at Roman's folder there are a couple of shots where they show information about him. If you look closely, you can see that in the last shot they refer to him as Brian and later on as "she". They also talk about his relationship problems in the next paragraph of the same shot. (00:31:50)

Character mistake: When Malloy first visits Frannie in her apartment, he says the girl was killed on the 15th, but when Frannie is in the cop car for the first time, Malloy's partner says it was the 11th.

Character mistake: Close to the end, Madison is looking over the H.A.L.O. list on her laptop. When Dylan's profile pops up, her last name, Saunders, is misspelled as Sanders.

Character mistake: Although Dr. Kalarjian said that there is a "code blue", which means a patient requiring resuscitation or other immediate medical attention, she wanders over there without rushing at all.
Suggested correction: When she was getting closer, she started rushing more. It took a while for her to get there but maybe that was just done to fool the audience. Kimberly did think she was going to kill Isabella after all.

Character mistake: There was no chance of Will and Lori knowing what's happening with Mark in the house. Neither him nor anyone else called them. So what made them rush home with van, after they've been casually driving in their previous scene?

Character mistake: At the security guard graduation, the instructor opens a pouch of quarters and says to use that to call the cops when things get nasty. You don't need to put money in a pay phone to dial 911. (00:21:05)

Character mistake: The letter from the FBI containing the results of the blood and semen test is filled with numerous typos. First, on the line "Subject: Result of examination requested", the word "examination" is misspelled "examnation." Second, the term "DNA instrumental analyses" has "instrumental" incorrectly spelled as "insrumental." Third, the line "Reference: Letter dated October 21, 1987", has the word "dated" misspelled as "dateed" and the month "October" misspelled as "Octorber." (01:58:35)

Character mistake: The Cadillac is identified by Robby as a '57 Eldorado. It's actually a '57 Series 75 Limousine.

Character mistake: When Michael Caine has to leave in a hurry, he has to leave his belongings behind - two suitcases. When the police arrive, the lead cop tells the lower cop to "take everything", but he doesn't; he only takes 1 suitcase, not 2.

Character mistake: Before using the handgun, Clayton saw that it had bullets in the magazine. Later, his bullets caused sparks and ricochet sounds from hitting concrete and steel when fighting Zack. After Layla accused him of being a double agent, Clayton challenged Burke to explain what's going on, and deflected most of Burke's lies but then seemed most confused - despite his knowledge to the contrary - by Burke's claim that Zack is alive because Clayton's gun was shooting blanks. (01:37:10 - 01:38:35)

Character mistake: Remy mentions that the insects are part ant, cockroach and termite. She dismisses the mantis side, which allows it to mimic.

Character mistake: When Duddit's mom is packing his lunchbox, she refers to him as "Henry". (01:45:54)

Character mistake: There's no way that using a regular needle and thread to sew up that wound would work the way it's shown. Anybody who knew what they were doing - which John Cusack is portrayed as knowing - would also know that using unsterilized materials and instruments without a sterile field from an uncleaned massive open wound is a great way to kill your patient.
Suggested correction: The main plot of this film takes place inside the head of a murderer with dissociative identity disorder. The fact that stitching up a wound in that matter wouldn't work is irrelevant to the fact that it is how Malcolm is playing out the scenario in his head.
You're making a good point to invalidate a "character mistake", but couldn't the entry be reclassified as a "factual mistake" and stand as written?