Question: When The Central Park Rangers are called in action it mentions the Simon and Garfunkel concert and their actions being under speculation - was this a real event (their questionable actions), and if so what was the problem, or was it just a fictional jokey reference?
Answer: I believe that this refers to an incident I was involved in. I was a new ranger riding Captain Cutter, an ex-race horse that we had Nick named Captain Goofy due to his propensity to suddenly spin in circles without warning. We were leading buses of handicapped people through shoulder-to-shoulder crowds when Goofy did his thing sending people scattering in all directions. It was over pretty quickly. I did not realise at the time that it was news.

Question: After Elizabeth is brought to the Pearl, she threatens to drop the medallion overboard. Barbossa feigns disinterest but when Elizabeth pretends to drop it, the pirates gasp in panic. Why? So she drops it, big deal. They can't drown, the gold "calls to them" so what does it matter if she were to drop it?
Chosen answer: Because they'd have to find it. The gold may "call to them", but it obviously doesn't function as a millimetre perfect homing beacon or they'd never have missed the medallion years earlier when they attacked the ship carrying the young Will. Elizabeth drops it into the sea and they're going to have to spend what could be months trying to locate it - currents could take it well away from the dropping point. They've found the final missing piece; they're potentially just hours away from finally being cured. The last thing they want is to see it thrown into the sea.
Well, if the crew was anxious to get the medallion then why did they act like they weren't interested in it before Elizabeth pretended to drop it?
What do you mean by reverse psychology?
By showing they are not interested in the medallion they are hoping Elizabeth will just drop it on the floor or chuck it to them as it's of no real value. However when she releases a bit of chain and the medallion drops, and the pirates lurch forward revealing that they really want the medallion and as such Elizabeth now has the upper hand in negotiations.
I'm guessing Elizabeth wasn't fooled when the pirates showed disinterest in the medallion.
That's not called reverse psychology, which is used to encourage someone to change his or her mind. Doesn't work with a threat. They are feigning indifference to hide the importance of the object.
They didn't want to give her an advantage over them. Pretending to not care about the coin would make Elizabeth think that the coin is worthless and cannot use it to barter a deal.

Question: At the salmon run, what does the foreign bear say?
Answer: A good translation would be "I almost froze to death while I was going over the huge icy mountain pass, it was something which I only barely survived! Barely!

Question: What kind of power did each of the four friends have? Pete can locate things, but what about the other besides reading people's minds?
Answer: Each of the 4 main characters; Jonsie, Pete, Beaver and Henry could communicate with one another telepathically. In addition to this power, Jonie also possessed a photographic memory. Pete could find or locate things. Henry could read other people's minds. Beaver had premonitions or some sort of sixth sense. He made a phonecall to Jonsie, knowing something was wrong and wrote ssdd on the phone booth.

Question: In the film they find Jimmy Hoffa's body, but who is he? I've never heard of him.
Answer: Hoffa was the powerful and controversial leader of the Teamsters Union from 1957 to 1971. Often alleged to have ties to organized crime, Hoffa was convicted of fraud and jury tampering in 1964 and served four years in prison before his sentence was commuted by President Nixon. In 1975, while trying to regain power in the union, Hoffa disappeared from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. He was widely assumed to have been killed by the Mafia. His body was never found, and in 1983 he was declared legally dead. Many movies joke of this, because to this day, his body has not been recovered.

Question: In the dentist office scene, Tim almost chokes to death when the toy puffer fish falls into his mouth, but the nurse saves him by pulling it out. Nora should be next, but Tim gets crushed by the glass pane anyway. This is a major mistake on death's list.
Chosen answer: No it simply means that Tim was not supposed to die by the puffer fish. He was meant to be saved so that he could die later. The movie shows multiple instances where someone almost dies, but at the last second is saved. It's a common way to build suspense.

Question: Can anyone explain Lucian's arm blade? It seems totally out of character for him, and every time he changed to wolf form he'd have to track it down and reattach it. Moreover, since these vampires don't have any weakness to metal, there's no special advantage in using a metal blade instead of his wolf claws. So what's the point?
Chosen answer: In most of the shots, Lucien takes his coat off when he changes to wolf form, and the blade would be attatched to a mechanism in him coat. Also, the film gives us an example of the blade hurting a vampire: bloodloss. And that kind of weapon could do some serious damage, and as it probably wouldn't kill the vampires, it would almost definitely slow them down.
Answer: Removal of the head kills everything. Immortal or not. At least that's what I saw.

Question: What's the name of the song that Anna's band sings for their audition? And is there anywhere I can hear it or buy it or has someone actually released it?
Answer: It's called 'Take Me Away' by Christina Vidal. It's on the movie soundtrack.

Question: What is the name of the song that comes on when Ben Affleck wakes up and turns on the radio?
Answer: Hang on, by Seether.

Question: When Déagol finds the ring, Sméagol asks to have it. When Déagol asks why, Sméagol says because it's his birthday and that he wanted it. Was it really Sméagol's birthday or was he already so quickly drawn by the ring's power that he only claimed it was in hopes that Déagol would hand it over?
Answer: In the book, it absolutely was his birthday.
What chapter in the book where smeagol kills deagol?
The Fellowship of the Ring, chapter two 'The Shadow of the Past.'.
Answer: It probably wasn't his birthday on that exact day, that would be too much of a coincidence. But close is definitely possible, or at least closer than Deagol's. Both were immediately drawn by the ring, heavily enough that they fought over it and Smeagol becoming the ultimate winner. Both did everything to keep it.

Question: I don't get what happens at the end. Does Sean Connery come back to life? Someone please explain.
Answer: After Quartermain is buried, we see a witch doctor performing magic above his grave and the clouds darken indicating something is about to take place. The witch doctor is chanting "Return" and the grave begins to shake. Although we do not see Quartermain come back to life it is most definitely hinted that he did and left room for a sequel which never came to pass.

Question: When Kate and Chris are in the tunnel (in 1357), Kate tells one of the monks to go tell Arnaut. When did Kate know of the existence of Arnaut, as they had yet to meet?
Answer: Kate is an archaeologist who,d been studying the castle's history for quite a while. She knows the protagonists and who's in charge.

Question: If Peter Pan says that the Lost Boys fell out of their prams and weren't claimed in 7 days so they were sent to Neverland. This would make them infants. Why then are they like 7-12 years old if Neverland doesn't make you age?
Answer: It's not that you never age, it's that you never grow up, i.e. pass into puberty and become an adult.

Question: Near the end of the movie, Edward Gracey says to Ramsley that the letter is written in Elizabeth's hand. If Mr. Gracey knew what Elizabeth's writing looks like, wouldn't he have realized that the fake letter Ramsley wrote was in fact fake and not from Elizabeth?
Chosen answer: Considering Ramsley's intelligence, he would have been able to make "couterfeit" handwriting.

Question: After Ed and Norther rob the bank, Ed explains that he explained about how Texas oil money and poor federal regulation result in many savings and loans losing money. From the clothes and hairstyles, it looks like the 70s. Does anyone know what he is referring to?
Chosen answer: Deregulation of the U. S. savings & loan industry in the early 1980's greatly reduced the restrictions on which federally-chartered S&Ls could invest their money. Since the depositors' money was insured by the federal government, the S&Ls had no incentives to minimize risk. This resulted in a major political scandal by the end of the decade, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars being lost through questionable investments, with taxpayers picking up the tab. Many of the most egregious violators were based in Sun Belt states, including Texas. The fashions do appear to be a bit out of date, however.

Question: Pandora's box has already been opened according to legend thats why there is bad in the world so why does it matter if anyone gets hold of the box.
Answer: As the movie sets out, that is the "Sunday school" version of the story. Within the movie, the legend is based on an artifact that not only bestowed life upon the earth but also slew all who opened it with horrible disease, gaining a reputation for containing the essences of both "good" and "evil."
Answer: This was a real event. The Simon and Garfunkel free concert drew a crowd of over half a million people and the Central Park Rangers were investigated for being a little "over-enthusiastic" in their methods of crowd control. It was 1981 though, not 1985 as stated.
Absolutely correct and thank you - I was there at the concert and it was 1981. I love the movie Elf but that incorrect reference is a slight irritant - LOL.