Question: The group is held in a farm house with a grass roof. Kate climbs out and over the roof, but begins to slide off the roof. Then the other member runs to the other side of the room, breaches through the roof, grabs her hands to save her from falling and says I'll pull you in. To which she replies no. My question is why did she have to scale the roof from the other side if he could reach through the roof and grab her hands? He could have easily used that as a point of escape to begin with.
Question: When Kate and Chris are in the tunnel (in 1357), Kate tells one of the monks to go tell Arnaut. When did Kate know of the existence of Arnaut, as they had yet to meet?
Question: At the end of the movie, when they find out when Marek died, why does Kate say "...or 1971"?
Answer: Kate is actually saying, "Born 1971."
Question: Why is it that they aren't allowed to bring any modern weapons into the past? The grenade didn't seem to be affected. A simple air gun with tranquilizer darts would be enough just for protection.
Answer: Because you can never know what kind of influence the discovery of such a thing by the local people would have on any of those involved. The grenade was not supposed to get sent back, but since it exploded, not enough pieces are left for local people to wonder about them if ever they find some. That would not be the case for a full weapon.
Answer: Kate is an archaeologist who,d been studying the castle's history for quite a while. She knows the protagonists and who's in charge.