
Question: Can anyone explain Lucian's arm blade? It seems totally out of character for him, and every time he changed to wolf form he'd have to track it down and reattach it. Moreover, since these vampires don't have any weakness to metal, there's no special advantage in using a metal blade instead of his wolf claws. So what's the point?


Chosen answer: In most of the shots, Lucien takes his coat off when he changes to wolf form, and the blade would be attatched to a mechanism in him coat. Also, the film gives us an example of the blade hurting a vampire: bloodloss. And that kind of weapon could do some serious damage, and as it probably wouldn't kill the vampires, it would almost definitely slow them down.

Answer: Removal of the head kills everything. Immortal or not. At least that's what I saw.

Question: In the first Underworld movie Lucian injects himself with Michael's blood, which is said to be the last descendant of Alexander Corvinus. In Underworld Evolution Selene drinks Alexander Corvinus' blood, which makes her immune to Ultraviolet ammunition and the sunlight. My question is if Michael has the same genes as Alexander Corvinus why is it that Lucian dies from the Silver Nitrate bullets that Craven shoots him with if he has already injected himself with Michael's blood?

Answer: Lucian does not die instantly after being shot by the silver nitrate bullet. This also is after he injects himself with Michael's blood. With that said there was a scene where Raze comes back with Amelia's blood (she is an elder). He checks on Lucian while dropping the bag of blood right mext to Lucian. I am absolutely certain he noticed this bag, injected himself with elder blood before he crawled out to stab craven in the leg. Lucian will be back and this was part of the story. When he comes back, they will show the audience in a flashback of Lucian injecting himself.

Answer: I think the mix of Michaels and Amelia's blood should have made it more difficult for Lucian to die.

Answer: Michael's Cornivus genes are latent, needing stimulation, which is what was to occur in Lucian after also injecting himself with the blood of an Elder vampire. He died without doing this.

Question: There is a major plot point which doesn't make sense to me. When Selene killed Viktor, who turned her into a vampire, why didn't it kill her too? I thought that when one vampire dies, all the vampires that were turned by them died too. That's why Viktor never killed Marcus. Is there something I'm missing?


Answer: Marcus told Viktor that if either of the Corvinus brothers were to die, it would also kill the whole Immortal bloodline (Vampires and Lycans), but this was a lie to prevent Viktor from killing his brother William.


Question: In the first movie when Selene went to get Michael, she got stabbed by a blade in the shoulder by Lucian. Why didn't she heal? Don't vampires heal?

Answer: Selene's wound does heal rapidly, but not instantly. When she regains consciousness after Michael has bandaged the wound, only a scar is visible. When Michael wakes up in the coven's mansion, the wound and scar have healed completely.


Question: In the scene where Lucien bites Michael on the shoulder and Selene shoots Lucien, what is the song that is played when the bullets are coming out of Lucien?

Answer: The song is Judith by a Perfect Circle (Renholder remix).

Question: Can someone please explain to me why Erica's vampire fangs are so much longer and sharper than anyone else's? (When Michael wakes up at the mansion and Erica is hanging off the ceiling, you can really see them). Even in full vampire mode, all the others' teeth seem to pale in comparison. Why is she so special?

Answer: Not all people have the same size teeth. Why should vampires be any different?

Grumpy Scot

Question: 2 questions, 1. When Nathanial (the second Vampire to die) is face to face with Raze, as Raze begins the transformation, Nathanial just stands there hissing, does he know he has no chance whilst unarmed and just tries to look as intimidating as possible, if so why did he pursue Raze to begin with, no point in suicide just to hiss at him a few times, 2. Soren and Raze have a rather obvious dislike for each other, in Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, we see Lucian being whipped by a Vampire, is this meant to be Soren? Because in the first film Soren has whips, I can't remember but I'm certain the Vampire that was torturing Lucian dies when Lucian breaks out, if so, why do Soren and Raze have a rivalry (besides the obvious war between Lycans and Vampires) and why, in this film, does Soren have whips?

Answer: For your first question. I always felt that scene was showcasing the fact that the vampires weren't just aristocratic poofs. Even in light of certain death they'll stand their ground and go down fighting. Nathaniel was there to fight no matter what.

Answer: To the second question: The vamp with the whip in RotL does die and is not Soren. Soren likely just has whips because they are cool. I always understood the rivalry to be because Raze is Lucian's Second and Soren is Kraven's Second so they are like head bodyguards of opposing forces forced to play nice even though they really don't want to.

Question: Why is it that when Selene was bitten by Viktor she didn't receive his memories, which would tell her he was the one who killed her family, but when Michael was bitten by Lucian he got his memories which told him about Sonia?

Answer: Firstly, Vampire Elders like Viktor have control over the memories they pass on. Secondly, Selene was not an immortal when bitten so she would not have seen any blood memory visions. Thirdly, it seems generally only the blood drinker sees the memories. So why did Michael see Lucian's memories? Could be because he was a descendent of Corvinus and had this latent ability, or he did ingest some Lycan blood (as Lucian had just been shot by Selene).


Question: I wonder whether Kraven and Lucian are actually the two (out of three) Sons of the Corvinus clan. Before Lucian died after being shot by Kraven, he called him 'cousin'. I would also be grateful if anyone would explain what Viktor meant by Marcus being a descendent of Corvinus (Does it mean that Marcus turned one of the sons of the Corvinus clan into a vampire or he is related to that guy who survived the plague? I'm confused).

Answer: Alexander Corvinus was the first true Immortal, he had three sons, William bitten by wolf, Marcus by bat and the unnamed third who remained human. Michael Corvin is the last true human descendant of Corvinus in the present world.The cousin reference is that all vampires and lycans are related through the bloodlines after being turned. This is why Michael survives a bite from both species. Normally the viruses they carry are deadly to humans and no one has survived a bite from both species, except Michael who becomes a hybrid, half vampire, half Lycan, but stronger than both.

Question: What is the name of the song in the trailer and who sang it?

Answer: In the trailer the song is Red Tape, by Agent Provocateur.

Ben W Bell

Question: What's the name of the song playing when Michael is going through his first transformation into a Lycan?

Answer: The song is Coward by Black Light Burns (Renholder remix). Also plays at beginning of credits.

Question: In the closing credits, a song is played with no words in it. Is this song "Coward" by Renholder or another one? I have checked everywhere but I am not sure. This song is also apparently played in the sex scene in Underworld: Evolution.

Answer: The song is Coward by Black Light Burns (Renholder remix).

Question: I watched the original version and have recently watched the director's cut. Unless I'm missing something, I couldn't notice any difference between the two. Was the difference really that subtle, or was the director's cut no different from the theatrical release? And if so, why label it the director's cut?

Answer: The extended version that I've seen is twelve minutes longer than the original and contains a number of alternate versions of already existing scenes. However, there are no particularly significant or long scenes added - it's more just the occasional character moment here and there that boosts the length, so, if it's been a while since you've actually seen the original, I can easily see how you might not have registered many of the additions - I had a certain difficulty working out which bits were new myself.


Chosen answer: Going by the armor and clothing from the child Selene's memories, as well as information from Selene herself, we can say that she was turned around the end of the 1300s and has been alive for about 650 years.

It has to be after 1402 because that is when RotL takes place and Viktor only spares Selene because she reminded him of Sonja.

Question: When Underworld first came out, prior to RoTL being released, what were the original memories from Lucien that Michael saw that showed him Sonja's death?

Answer: Except for the actress playing Sonja, the memories were the same as Rise of the Lycans. Two guards opening the door to the pit. Sonja chained to the post, Vicktor watching from above. Lucan watching, injured, helplessly as Sonja burns. All the Lycans howling beginning the revolt. There are more.

Question: We know that for a hybrid to be created it needs a vampire virus a lycan virus and the Korvus gene. If that's accurate then why does Lucian needs blood from an elder vampire like Amelia and Marcus doesn't need blood from an elder lycan? I mean why didn't Lucian take the virus from a non elder vampire? The only thing that comes to my mind is that one of the two viruses must be from an elder either a lycan or a vampire. And Michael turns to a hybrid because Selene, the person who gave him the vampire virus, was turned by Viktor an elder vampire.

Answer: Lucian wants the most pure and powerful blood.


Answer: Lucian is an elder werewolf. Selene could be considered an elder vampire because she is over 500 years old.

Visible crew/equipment: During the final battle, a vampire shoots into a totally dark room and kills a werewolf. He then lifts his gun and people are seen reflected in the sights. (01:37:05)


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Selene: Whether you like it or not, you're in the middle of a war that has been raging for the better part of a thousand years. A blood feud between vampires and lycans. Werewolves.
Michael Corvin: Huh?
Selene: Consider yourself lucky. Most humans die within an hour after being bitten by a lycan or any immortal. The viruses we transmit are deadly.
Michael Corvin: So... if you bit me, what happens? I become a vampire instead?
Selene: No, you die.

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