Question: Where did the money come from that was sent to David Gale's wife?

Question: I read that Evan Rachel Wood's character, Tracy, is supposed to be Nikki Reed at the age when she was having the experiences that Tracy went through. Was the character Evie based on a girl that Nikki knew in real life?
Answer: Evie was based off several people in Nikki Reed's life.

Question: At the end we discover the kid survived unscathed in the explosion, which makes one believe Ginny survived too. So what happened to her? Did the kid murder her?
Chosen answer: If we say Ginny did not survive, we assume two scenarios: 1.) Each key represents the personality that was killed off in Malcolm's psyche. So, all in all 10 personalities have died. 2.) Ginny was the sixth one to be killed. This means that she has key #5 with her - remember that we are counting the killings in descending order. However, it was not shown anywhere in the movie how Ginny was killed by Timmy. So, it can also be said that aside from Timmy (who was seen walking away from the car explosion), Ginny (whose body was never found after the explosion) also remained alive. Ginny's state is inconclusive.
No she does die. At the end of the movie they show her being suffocated by Timmy.
Nope, that's Timmy's mother that's being suffocated.
No. Timmy suffocated his mother in the bed.
That was his mother, not Ginny.
Answer: Since Timmy is the killer here, it would be correct to assume that he blew up the car and took Ginny away during the commotion and killed her in some way that isn't shown in film. Or else blowing up of the car becomes completely pointless and a classic like this won't show a scene that doesn't have a significance. So blowing up the car was actually a part of the plot to kill Ginny.

Question: What is a talking walnut? Details please.
Chosen answer: It's just something the kid came up with. He is not quite all there. It's just something that illustrates how odd the kid is.
Answer: My guess is that they are characters of the Christmas story.

Question: What is the name of the song that comes on when Ben Affleck wakes up and turns on the radio?
Answer: Hang on, by Seether.

Question: Why are there 2 swords on the plane with the bride?
Answer: Because they are being carried by the other passengers.
Answer: There are more than 2. They are positioned similarly and look similar to The Bride's. So, Tarantino is saying The Bride isn't the only passenger with a kill list. This is where Tarantino reminds us that this is an allegory with The Bride representing all good people seeking revenge against the evil people who wronged them. A common theme in Tarantino films.

Question: Can anyone give me the title of the song in the Captain's house when Mike and Marcus enter (Marcus drugged, etc.)? It's a song like Bossa Nova Lounge or something like that.
Answer: Buick Blackhawk concept car.

Question: Why was the detective tortured? I don't get it. Who is the girl that brings the detective to Verone?
Chosen answer: The detective was tortured because Verone needed a window of time without any police presence and the detective refused to allow it. The girl is just some random hottie that works for Verone.

Question: What has happened by the time the police footage is shown? After Erin escaped and killed the "Sheriff", police footage of the area is then shown (at the beginning as well), such as the police collecting evidence and filming a walk-through, as if the house has been abandoned for years, but it's only a day after. What has happened to the rest of the Hewitt family (Luda May, Monty, Tea Lady etc.), with the exception of Leatherface who escaped? How did the police only find out about the Hewitts then?
Answer: Erin must have led the police back to the house and then the Hewitt's were taken away so that way evidence could be collected. They must have thought that Leatherface had escaped and was no longer in the house.

Question: The killer arrives at the farm in an old rusty truck which Maria stows away in with the captive Alex. Then from the gas station she follows the truck in the murdered station attendant's car, and both vehicles end up at the scene of the final confrontation. Yet at the end we learn that Maria is actually the killer and has insanely hallucinated virtually the entire movie. Can anyone offer any explanation of where that big truck came from in the first place and what the truth is about which vehicles were really present at the end and how exactly Maria and Alex arrive at the scene of their final confrontation?
Answer: It is impossible to know which vehicles were actually used, or even what really happened throughout the movie. The plot twist at the end of this film, while certainly surprising, was not very thoroughly planned out. It's almost as if the writer decided at the last minute to add it for no better reason than he couldn't think of a way to end the movie.

Answer: The title refers to an experiment in 1907 which attempted to show scientific proof of the existence of the soul by recording a loss of body weight (said to represent the departure of the soul) immediately following death. Referred to as the 21 grams experiment as one subject lost "three-fourths of an ounce" (21.3 grams), the experiment is regarded by the scientific community as flawed and unreliable, though it has been credited with popularizing the concept that the soul weighs 21 grams. (Wikipedia).

Question: Kendall was really part of 8. This is evident as he was rescued by Pike but went along with the story that he was rescued by Dunbar. Also, that Dunbar was in interrogation but knowing it was really Pike. He also uses the phrase, get your story right. He drew an 8 to indicate that he was part of the organization. He was rescued by Pike because he was part of 8.
Answer: First of all, what's the question? Second, Kendall was indicating that Section 8 was involved because they had the reputation of being a renegade outfit, to deter the fact the he was part of the drug smuggling gang that was operating within the military base.

Question: Why does everyone think Street turned in Gamble? Wouldn't he be back actually working SWAT instead of being stuck in the gun cage?
Answer: The SWAT Captain originally kicked Street and Gamble off the team and out of the SWAT Division completely for disobeying orders resulting in a hostage being shot. The SWAT Lieutenant convinced the Captain to keep the two officers in the division on a probationary basis to work back towards getting back on the team. Gamble was insulted by the probationary assignment and later resigned. The Captain offered Street the chance for immediate reinstatement to the team if he placed all blame on Gamble. When Street chose the probationary assignment over blaming Gamble or resigning alongside Gamble, everyone assumed Street cut some type of deal to remain in the SWAT Division without knowing the whole story.

Question: How much did Mini Cooper give to the Italian Job for the publicity in the movie? The movie casts a very good light on the car.
Answer: The Mini Cooper for the movie was also made as an electric car for the chase scenes in the tunnel because gas-powered cars were not allowed to be used in the tunnels. I heard that from the director's cut.
Answer: While the exact amount of money is hard to find, the MINIs used in the 2003 movie are a direct homage to the Minis used in the 1960s movie, which is the main reason they are used. MINI (the company owned by BMW, as opposed to the company which owned Mini by Austin and Morris in the 60s) was happy to have the remake use MINI as a direct link to change the perception of it from a "girly" type car, to a more sporty one.

Question: Is there a reason the dumpster they threw B-Rad in was full of Wonderbread and nothing else?
Answer: "Wonderbread and whitebread" are derogatory terms used to describe a white man. It can be mean or good-natured, like most put-downs.

Question: Why does the guy in the prison have so many assistants, and live in complete royalty compared to the other inmates? I've watched it over and over but still can't understand why.
Answer: Because he is connected on the outside. Money and infulence can give you a much easier life in prison, though this movie greatly exaggerated the fact.
Answer: The money was from the magazine that paid Gale for his story.
raywest ★