Frederick the Wise: The Roman Inquisition does not give hearings. It gives death sentences.

Will: You wanna call me "Daddy" while I fuck you, huh?
Aileen: I'll try. Why? You like to fuck your kids?

Desi Arnaz: I work hard, I play hard, I drink hard and I love hard.

Ronald Reagan: If you don't mind, this administration has to pee.

Sylvia: Sometimes I dream the tree, and the tree is my life. One branch is the man I shall marry, and the leaves my children. Another branch is my future as a writer, and each leaf is a poem. Another branch is a good academic career. But as I sit there trying to choose, the leaves bring to turn brown and blow away, until the tree is absolutely bare.

Veronica Guerin: You'd do the same. If you saw those kids on the street, you would do the same.

Sam Drebben: Another day, another dollar.

Harvey Pekar: Man, listen, I'll tell you something, people are starting to know the name Crumb. And when you croak, man, you're gonna leave something behind.
Robert Crumb: Yeah, I guess. Ha-ha. It's not like I'm Blind Lemon Jefferson or Big Mama Thornton.
Harvey Pekar: Oh, come on, man. I'll tell you something, it sure beats working a gig like mine, being a nobody flunky and selling records on the side for a buck.
Robert Crumb: Well, that's true.

Ned Kelly: I've watched gravel fade. Dust settle into crust. I've seen drips of water turn to stone that defied gravity. I've turned blood red with cave mud. I've been a bloody rock.

Van Ruijven: You have very wide eyes.