Audio problem: During the scene where B-Rad has to rob the liquor store, the store owner and his wife and kid come out with guns pointed at B-Rad. The kid comes out with a shotgun and a cocking sound is heard even though he doesn't cock it.

Audio problem: During the wedding part at the end the movie, when Paul announces he doesn't want to marry Kerry, Kerry looks at him and says, "Paul?" but you can see she is really saying, "What?" The voiceover comes in late as well. This is on the video version.

Audio problem: After Peter picks up Charlene, he drops her off at his house. As he's pulling up to his house they are having a conversation but you can see that their mouths are not moving. (01:20:31)

Audio problem: In the scene where Miranda is at her home looking at the photo of her and her husband, she says "why me?" but her mouth does not move. (01:10:55)

Audio problem: In the final shoot-out with the Nigerian rebels, Bruce Willis inserts a new magazine into his rifle. When he attempts to slap it into place, he completely misses it but we still hear the sound effect for him hitting the bottom of the magazine. (01:31:40)

Audio problem: Kirk's accent changes throughout the film. Sometimes it's American, sometimes Irish, and sometimes Russian.

Audio problem: At the end of the film, when Ms. Harridan is working as a police officer, the whistle drops from her mouth in astonishment when she sees that her former employee Jenny now works for Daddy Day Care. She never puts it back into her mouth, but then when she tries to stop a green minivan from going to Daddy Day Care we hear the sound of her whistle.

Audio problem: When Kelly starts talking about colon flushing Charlotte gets up to join Bob at the bar. In the background Kelly continues her story, but her mouthing and gestures are not at all in line with her words. (00:37:20)

Audio problem: In the scene where Elle is at her first day in Washington, Timothy calls her "Britney" while he and the others are arguing and you hear "My name is Elle", but one shot shows Elle, and her mouth isn't moving to the words.

Audio problem: When Mr. Pendanski is saying, "Smells like puke from a mule." if you look carefully he is actually saying, "Smells like piss from a mule." Original dialog is in the 'Deleted Scenes' section of the DVD.

Audio problem: When Joanie and Tommy are eating dinner at Betty's home, there's a close-up profile shot of both Joanie and Tommy right before they kiss. Tommy says to Joanie, "Come here you," but his lips don't move.

Audio problem: The sound is off when Marcus and Mike are in the video store talking about "The Box". It's most visible during the over the shoulder shot of Mike miming putting the word "flaccid" in the box. Mike's mouth is CLEARLY not in sync with the words that you hear. (00:56:35)

Audio problem: When Will Ferrell breaks the glass with the hockey stick, the baby starts to cry, however you can see from the baby's face that it is not really crying. (00:14:30)

Audio problem: Cage and his daughter are being chased by Bruce McGill, and Cage is waiting because the lady won't keep the change. When Cage grabs the change, he says "what, are you insane?". The words don't match his mouth movements.

Audio problem: Every time a sword is drawn, be it fast or slow, there is the 'shiiink' sound that is made when a steel sword is drawn from a steel scabbard (a sound that a western sword would make), yet Japanese swords have a wooden scabbard so the draw should be silent.

Audio problem: At the beginning when Nielsen says it must have been an honor to know Sgt. West, Travolta says "Well, that's one way to put it" without moving his mouth.

Audio problem: Tom is fighting TJ and we hear glass breaking as TJ falls backwards against a curtain, but then the curtain gets pulled down and the unbroken window is seen to the right of where the curtain was hanging.

Audio problem: During the first fight between Bonham and Hallam you see from their faces that the moaning has been dubbed in later. (00:30:40)

Audio problem: About fifteen minutes into the movie, when Gibb says, "I am so under the limit, Lori," her lips don't match the line.

Audio problem: At the start of the film we see the twins flipping burgers in their restaurant. We see that while one is throwing the burgers the other is catching them in the buns, and then dusting them with a metal jar of something. After every burger he bangs the jar on the table a few times. One one occasion, he actually bangs the jar on a burger bun, yet the sound effect is still played.