Hatcher: I suppose now we have a conversation where you enlighten me. How many more of you are out there? Enlighten me. Where are the rest of your compadres? Enlighten me.

Bough: Shall we call for back-up sir?
Johnny English: What? And watch some fat-bottomed bobby make our arrest for us? I don't think so.

Thomas Garrett: Oh, women. Can't live with 'em. Can't live with 'em.

Ellis 'Zee' Pettigrew: Those Africans are my people too. For all the years that we have been told to stand down and stand by, you doin' the right thing.
Lt. A.K. Waters: For our sins.
Ellis 'Zee' Pettigrew: Hooyah.
Lt. A.K. Waters: Hooyah.

Terry Sheridan: You can break my wrist, but I'm still gonna kiss you.

James Clayton: All I know about the CIA is that they're a bunch of fat, old white guys who fell asleep when we needed them most.

Andre Stander: I'm tried for robbing banks. But, I have killed unarmed people.
Judge: That is not the business of the court.

Gen. 'Stonewall' Jackson: In the Army of the Shenandoah, you were the First Brigade! In the Army of the Potomac you were the First Brigade! In the Second Corps of this Army, you are the First Brigade! You are the First Brigade in the affections of your general, and I hope by your future deeds and bearing you will be handed down the posterity as the First Brigade in this our Second War of Independence. God Speed.

Larry Eugene Phillips Jr.: Hey, did you see that? Porsche 911. Oh, I love those.
Emil Matasareanu: I hate the Germans.
Larry Eugene Phillips Jr.: You're from Romania. That practically makes you a German.
Emil Matasareanu: I'm an American! I like Corvettes and Mostons.
Larry Eugene Phillips Jr.: If you're going for horsepower and good looks, there's nothing wrong with that.

Zero: No smoking, no drinking? What kind of country is this?

Agent Sands: Can you hear me now?.. Fucking bells.

Inspector Lau Kin Ming: I'm a cop too.

Snakehead: Treat him like a prince.