Plot hole: In the armored car robbery scene, we see the guys hoist the car over a barricade with a crane, then nonchalantly open the driver's door of the truck to get the driver and co-driver out. Armored cars' driver's doors can only be released from inside the cab, by the driver with an electric lock, unless the person has a key for the door. If the driver was halfway doing his job, they would have had a much tougher time getting in, not to mention the fact that the driver is also armed, and the majority of armored cars also have shotguns in the cab. Since none of the gang had a key for the driver's door, the easiest thing for the driver to do would be to just sit there and either wait for help or drive away. The cargo area of the truck is also bulletproof and not accessible from the cab. The drivers could have simply let them take the gold if they didn't want to get involved, and not risk injury or death by opening the cab doors.

Plot hole: It's a good thing Sheldon didn't listen to Nora and change the cookie song, because if he had all the kids would still be singing Sheldon's cookie song (since they don't know about the change) thereby ruining the show without Rainbow Randolph's interference.

Plot hole: Mun has an eye transplant, and this gives her the ability to see the dead. However, how come she can also hear the ghosts as well?

Plot hole: The boys who chase Sarah pick up large stones from a carefully tended lawn, and they find them between the leaves without a bit of searching around. (01:15:45)

Plot hole: When Ray reprimands Barry for having a public (deadly) fight with Freddy, Ray goes back to his car and drives it forward to hint that Barry should take his fight elsewhere. This all happens in the three seconds it takes for Barry to thank Darcy for his help. Ray's car must have already been started, and Ray would have been the fastest man on earth to make that action in the shortest space of time.

Plot hole: When they were on the boat fighting, the girl that got shot in the head would be moving instead of just lying there.

Plot hole: When Rose, Crispina, and other inmates are hanging clothes in the yard, a woman with a boy waves from a fairly distant compound gate. Rose says to Crispina "There's someone looking for you", although at this point she can't have any idea which of the inmates the woman was waving at. (00:38:25)

Plot hole: When the pilot rolls the plane to dump the suitcase carrying the bomb, Snake grabs hold and falls out of the plane with it. Snake saves himself from falling to his death by grabbing the railing of the open door. The weight of the suitcase would have either ripped one of Snake's limbs off or would have ripped the railing from the door.
Suggested correction: The suitcase was able to be picked up by Puggy so it didn't weigh enough to rip an arm off. Also railings on stairs have to be able to support lots of weight. They are designed to withstand 1000lbs+.

Plot hole: When Eve is in the back room at the barber shop and she is talking to the big guy she has a picture of her boyfriend in her hand. As she leaves the room the picture does not go out with her and we never saw her throw it away. So where did it go?

Plot hole: At the training sequence, where Anne Marie is running on the sea floor. When they get up, suddenly their surfboards turn up out of nowhere (they didn't have them tied to their ankles, because we would've seen that in the underwater-shots)

Plot hole: Holmes asks what had frightened Sir Charles enough to make him run away from the house. But when Dr. Mortimer described the scene, he only mentioned that at one point the prints did not show heel imprints. It is an easy deduction that sir Charles had been running, but the doctor did not say anything about the direction of the footprints.

Plot hole: In the scene where Richard Gere is looking at his reflection in the motel bathroom mirror, he imagines smashing his face into the mirror. When the phone rings, breaking his hallucination, he still has blood on his hands but it is never addressed.

Plot hole: When Sullivan shoots Connor Rooney at the end, he flicks the door and we see the dead body. However the wall and some of the floor have loads of dried blood on it when he was only shot seconds before.

Plot hole: When Nameless and Flying Snow are fending off the arrows, the arrows blocked by the two seem to be the only arrows coming toward the school, as there are no arrows flying beyond their reach (omitting the ones missing the school entirely).

Plot hole: Towards the end of the film when Private Shakespeare is talking to the wounded soldier, his coat and hair are suddenly dry, strange when the majority of the film is set outdoors in the rain.

Plot hole: Although the errand bird always insists on the postage and even asks for additional fees for more than twenty words, he never gets any payment from the assigning characters.

Plot hole: Michael Jordan is from North Carolina. If those were really his shoes, how did they make their way to L.A?

Plot hole: Days after Hap's killing Ellie finds a shell casing from a Walther handgun. I find it hard to believe that the police wouldn't comb the scene of a cop's murder enough to find a bright shell lying on black rocks.

Plot hole: It seemed to take the police an awfully long time to get to the hospital once it was taken under seige. It seemed to take the camera man an excess of 10 minutes to realize something was wrong. After John took the camera out it was another estimated 15-25 minutes before the police came. I find it hard to believe that the police would be that slow to get to a hospital and that the camera operator would take a few minutes before phoning something in.