Easter egg: Take the paper DVD cover out of the plastic sleeve and you will see four numbers. Go to interactive mode, enter this number and you will have access to the entire movie from the film-makers view, including deleted scenes.
Easter egg: On the second disc of the special edition enter "The Star Trek universe", go to "A Star Trek family's final journey", click left to highlight the top of the rotunda. When you enter, you can watch X-Men director Bryan Singer talk about his cameo.
Easter egg: On the New Line Platinum Edition, go to Production Workshop then select Visual effects. In the submenu HIGHLIGHT Progress Report then press the right arrow key followed by the up arrow key to highlight a glyph. Select this to see a disturbing message from Guillermo Del Toro to the crew at Tippett Studios.
Easter egg: From the Special Features menu, highlight the word FEATURES and then press LEFT. One of the markers in the picture to the left will turn blue. Press ENTER to see video of an avalanche that occurred during filming.