Best thriller movie mistakes of 2001

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Jurassic Park III picture

Audio problem: After the aeroplane crashed, a dinosaur stepped over it and the windows shattered making the typical sound of made-of-glass things when broken. They are made of plexiglass (a sort of fibrous plastic).

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The Mummy Returns picture

Continuity mistake: In the British Museum, when Rick and Ardeth are saving Evie, Rick gives her a .45 pistol and they start to shoot the guards, her pistol fires once and the slide locks back meaning the pistol had no ammo, but she keeps firing as if the magazine was still full. (00:39:47)

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Spy Game picture

Factual error: The hat that Brad Pitt wears in the 1985 scenes is a Padres hat with navy, orange and white as the colours. In 1985, the Padres' colors were brown and yellow. The color change didn't come until late 80's or early 90's.

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The Fast and the Furious picture The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jesse is going to race Johnny Tran at Race Wars for pink slips, and Johnny Tran pulls up in his Honda S2000, Tran has on a black long-sleeved shirt. When the camera goes from side to front view, Tran has on a black tank top. (01:12:41)

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Along Came a Spider picture

Revealing mistake: After the woman is strangled and the people come in trying to find the little kid, the dead woman is clearly seen blinking. (00:11:25)

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Jeepers Creepers picture

Continuity mistake: About 10 minutes into the movie, when the truck is chasing the 2 college students in the car and starts ramming them, the bumper and the trunk is smashed in. The shot changes and shows the car's rear end and it is in perfect condition. This repeats at least 3 times.

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Ocean's Eleven picture Ocean's Eleven mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Linus and Rusty are standing in the Botanical Garden at the Bellagio going over Linus' observations. Rusty has a cocktail glass of shrimp in hand. When they change angles he has a plate in his hand, then change back, it's a glass. Full screen version. (00:43:40)

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Training Day picture

Continuity mistake: Towards the end, Denzel drives his car into 2 cars trying to get Ethan off the hood. After that scene ends you see Denzel driving the same car and the front and rear of the car look nothing like they did when he was crashing into the cars.

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The Glass House picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Ruby and brother are driven to Terry's crash site the police cruiser changes from a 98 model to a 97 model. The vehicles headlights, front bumper and over all design are completely different.

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Hannibal picture

Continuity mistake: When Clarice is opening the letter written to her by Hannibal, it is sealed with wax, and not glued down in any way. While she's reading it, Hannibal is shown licking an envelope. (00:32:05)

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Enemy at the Gates picture

Factual error: When the map of the German advance is shown, Switzerland is shown to be taken over. Switzerland was never invaded by the Germans. (00:05:10)

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Suggested correction: It doesn't show German advances. It shows the German influence over Europe, symbolizing it covers all of Europe and then expanded towards the East. Italy was never conquered by the Germans either yet it was part of the axis and is shown being covered by black. Switzerland, though neutral, was fully surrounded by the Axis and their influence played heavily upon the country. Its a very crude simulation.


Suggested correction: It does not show the German advancement in true historical order, but more like a red shadow that expands across Europe in a steady pace. And just as the camera starts zooming in on Stalingrad, you can see a small sliver of red starting to spread on the south-eastern coast of Norway.


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The One picture The One mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the fight with Gabe and Yulaw, Yulaw does a powerful move of lunging forward and smashing Gabe with both his fists, sending him flying into a green metal box that crumbles from the impact. Gabe then falls to the floor, close to the box. The shot changes to Yulaw thinking he has victory, then back to Gabe. Gabe is now noticeably further from the green box, and his arms and legs are in different positions. (01:08:40)

Quantom X

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Rush Hour 2 picture

Continuity mistake: When Carter and Zhang Ziyi are fighting, Carter is wearing alligator skin shoes (brown). However, when Ziyi thrusts the sword at Carter and Carter falls back on a chair raising his feet, you see him wearing black running shoes with a white sole.

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The 51st State picture

Continuity mistake: When Felix looks out at the Anfield pitch you can see executive boxes on the opposite stand. He is meant to be in an executive box but can't be, as only one stand at Anfield has boxes. (01:16:20)

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The Princess Diaries picture

Continuity mistake: At the big dinner, Clarisse tries to show the Japanese man some pictures and he shakes his head as he eats his green soup. A minute later, they serve the green soup.

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Behind Enemy Lines picture

Factual error: If Owen Wilson is under a dead body, how could any thermal radiation leak through the cold dead body covering him so the satellite (plus the Admiral and aides) could see him the whole time? (00:54:10)

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Thirteen Ghosts picture

Other mistake: When everyone is looking for Bobby, Matthew Lillard says that it is no use shouting because the glass is 100% sound proof. Yet when he is trapped in the cage, he hears Maggie screaming directions for him to dodge the ghost - not sound proof at all then.


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Swordfish picture

Factual error: Worms are not created in AutoCAD. Ever. Period. Does not happen, cannot happen. Building design work and the like is done in AutoCAD. Viruses and worms are coded out by hand or created with a generator by slackers that don't know the code and then compiled into executables.

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Angel Eyes picture

Continuity mistake: Her bruise from being shot in the vest appears and disappears and reappears, also moves from her left to her right side.

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3,000 Miles to Graceland picture

Plot hole: How could the police miss finding Cybil in the trunk of Michael Zane's car when it was in an impound lot? They would have definitely searched the car if he was found in violation of a federal offence (for carrying the weapons). Even if they didn't do a search, they would certainly have heard the sounds that Cybil would have made from being locked in the trunk.

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